United States or Singapore ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The company gave a play the next evening, but as only thirty or at most forty people were present, poor Bassi did not know where to turn to pay for the lighting and the orchestra. He was in despair; and instead of returning my ten florins he begged me to lend him another ten, still in the hope of a good house next time.

"Yes, and I hope we'll have some more to-morrow night," retorted the banker. "You still have the poorhouse, the cattle pound, and the lockup to serenade." "All right! Which one of 'em do you expect to be in?" inquired Jones. "We wouldn't have you miss a tune for the world!"

He took Lois's hand. 'Let me hold it. It does me good, said he. 'Ah, Lois, when I am by you I forget all my troubles will the day never come when you will listen to the voice that speaks to me continually? 'I never hear it, Cousin Manasseh, she said, softly; 'but do not think of the voices. Tell me of the land you hope to enclose from the forest what manner of trees grow on it?

"Drowned out, sir, all but the one under the fire boiler on the starboard side." "You'd better look after that, to keep the bilge-pumps going, or else it'll be all drowned out, with this lot of water coming down the hatchway every time the ship rolls! I do hope the skipper will lie-to and keep her head to sea until we can get the engines going again, though I'm afraid that'll be a long job!"

If, then, the Commissioners can see their way here, they are smart fellows, and no small praise is due to them. There are difficulties enough to puzzle long heads; and I only hope they may be equal to the task.

And there is Enoch, who walks on the hills, and hears the Voice continually, and has given up his will to do the will of the Voice, and has some of the Voice's greatness. When they come, there is always some new wonder, or some new hope: something to live for. They never want to die, because they are always learning and always creating either things or wisdom, or at least dreaming of them.

He was almost, for the first time, a little sad in his mood. "Yes, dear, yes," she declared, slipping her arms under his and pulling him tight. "Oh, yes! You can depend on me. Oh, Frank, I love you so! I'm so sorry. Oh, I do hope you don't fail! But it doesn't make any difference, dear, between you and me, whatever happens, does it? We will love each other just the same.

Thus far every move had carried them westward, but farther west they could not go unless they went entirely beyond the country of their birth, and gave up their hope of protection under the Constitution, which to them had ever been an inspired instrument, the majesty of which, as they had never doubted, would be some day vindicated, even to securing for them the rights of American citizens.

I hope in future, while you are here, you will cease to run the O'Shanaghgans down. It is not worthy of you, Nora, and I am ashamed of you." "Run them down I?" said poor Nora in astonishment. "Yes, you." She was silent for a moment; she was making a great effort to recover her equanimity. Was Terence right? Had she done wrong to speak before her aunt and cousins as she had done?

When you fellows go out, don't say anything that would cause any one in hiding to think we are not all going out together. Do you sabe?" "Sure. I hope you'll get a clue if we do not." When the others had gone, Billie sat quietly in his room for a long time.