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Whenever I got uncommon tired I played hookey, and the hiding I got next day done me good and cheered me up. So the longer I went to school the easier it got to be. I was getting sort of used to the widow's ways, too, and they warn't so raspy on me.

The child continued: "Billy's goin' to school now; Jane's servant-gal at the hotel; Tom plays hookey all the time, an' the baby squalls so much that nobody likes her but Billy." The man looked sad, then thoughtful; finally he put his arm around his child, and said, as he kissed and caressed her,

"Friend!" exclaimed the cobbler, "to which I says Hookey Walker, sir! 'Andsome gells don't want friends o' your kind. Besides, she ain't here you can see that for yourself. Your heyes 'as been a-deceiving of you, try next door." "But I must see her," said Barnabas, "I wish to help her, I have good news for her " "Noos?" said the cobbler, "Oh? Ah!

Then besides the pictures there were clocks and candlesticks and vases, and gilt looking-glasses, and boxes of cigars and scent and things littered all over the chairs and tables. It was a wonderful place, and in the middle of all the splendour was a little old gentleman with a very long black coat and a very long white beard and a hookey nose like a falcon.

When the astonishment of the youngsters at the glories of Havana had subsided, and even a regiment with a band could parade without their company, the Indian in them asserted itself once more, and they grieved the bishop by playing hookey, shirking mass, running off to the mountains on hunting trips, and once, when he went out in his night-cap to inquire the cause of a rumpus in his yard, they tripped him up and circled around and around, whooping like demons while he was trying to regain his feet and apply his cane.

He could not talk without swearing and, if he replied to a question that needed only yes or no, he would supplement it with a string of oaths. Next day the outfit rode the west side of Dobe Creek, rounding up perhaps a thousand cattle. Pete Blaine and Hookey roped calves while Pan helped hold up. On the following day the riders circled Blue Lakes, where cattle swarmed.

Wear ship and fight, Resolution, fight to the last!" "And there's for ye!" quoth Resolution. "Never was such hugeous great spirit in man's body or woman's body afore, neither in this world or any other no, not even Davy at Adullam, by hookey! Down to your guns, Diccon lad, and cheerily, for it looks as we shall have some pretty fighting, after all!"

A dash at loo for about an hour, and half-a-dozen cuts at blind hookey, that's about my form. I know I drop more than I pick up. If I knew what I was about I should never touch a card." "Horses; eh, Tifto?" "Horses, yes. They've pretty good claret, here, eh, Silverbridge?" He could never hit off his familiarity quite right.

By hookey, I'd made 'em only I fell sick." York placed the liquor and a tin cup on the table beside him, and, going to the door, turned his back upon his guest, and looked out on the night. Although it was clear moonlight, the familiar prospect never to him seemed so dreary.

The beggars who are privileged to come to these homes, come at the right time, take their pennies, and with a "Thank you!" shamble off. Formerly lessons never bothered the small Puerto Rican, or indeed any other Puerto Rican child. He played "hookey" all day long, and no truant officer disturbed him, or dragged him off to school. He never saw a schoolhouse or the inside of a schoolroom.