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Old Rufus wouldn't touch one of them for a gold rock," he asked, and I felt slightly aggrieved when I discovered that I was to know when I was being addressed by a lack of any term of endearment, though the caressing flutiness of Adam's voice was the same to me as to any one of the Ladies Leghorn. "Naw, Marster, chickens am my hoodoo.

"Persimmon," he said uneasily, "what in the world are you talking about?" The Persimmon smiled a sickly, white-toothed smile. "Jim Pink say yo' aidjucation is a flivver. I say, 'Jim Pink, no nigger don' go off an' study fo' yeahs in college whut 'n he comes back an' kin throw some kin' uv a hoodoo over us fool niggers whut ain't got no brains.

They laid up on the worn benches of the Silver Dollar or the Same Old Luck like beached vessels, and their talk ran on endlessly of "strike" and "contact" and "mother lode," and worked around to fights and hold-ups, villainy, haunts, and the hoodoo of the Minietta, told austerely without imagination.

"Do not tread upon, drive over, or touch any wire." It may be, and probably is, harmless. The supernatural, the phenomena of alleged witchcraft and diabolism, and of "luck," "hoodoo," "fate," etc., find ready disciples among those who reject disdainfully the results of the working of natural law.

Of those who husbanded the golden grain Or those who flung it to the winds like rain, The gulls are not our snowy birds of the Atlantic. We are lonesome out here, and the Albatross sweeps beside us, hooded like a cobra, an evil creature trying to hoodoo us, with owlish eyes set in a frame like ghastly spectacle glasses.

"No sensible man has any use for hoodoo tricks and the folks who practise them," Harding said. "They're frauds from the start." "Don't know what you're talking about," Benson broke in. "Not all tricks! Seen funny things in the East; thingsh decent men better leave alone." Letting go the post, he lurched forward and as the light fell upon his face Blake started.

An owl on their right hooted, and both of them saw Harry shiver. "What makes an owl's cry disturb you so, Harry?" asked Langdon. "Because one of them tried to put the hoodoo on me as they say down in your country, Happy.

I was born under that star. Every move I make, up bobs Saturn and blocks it. He's the hoodoo planet of the heavens. They say he's 73,000 miles in diameter and no solider of body than split-pea soup, and he's got as many disreputable and malignant rings as Chicago. Now, what kind of a star is that to be born under? "I asked Kearny where he had obtained all this astonishing knowledge.

"Did yo' done put a charm on mah bresh?" asked Eradicate somewhat doubtfully. "Yes, a sort of hoodoo charm. Try it now." The darky dipped his brush in the pail of whitewash, and then began to spread the disinfectant on the sides of the coop near the top. The surplus fluid started to run down the handle, but, meeting the piece of rubber, came no farther, and dripped off on the ground.

The hoodoo had vanished. The championship Worcester team was itself again. The Bisons were fighting, too, but Rube had them helpless. When they did hit a ball one of my infielders snapped it up. No chances went to the outfield. I sat there listening to my men, and reveled in a moment that I had long prayed for. "Now you're pitching some, Rube. Another strike! Get him a board!" called Ashwell.