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With all his self-advertisement and almost obnoxious personality, Manton was a more than capable executive in a business where efficiency and method are rare. "This has been a hoodoo picture from the start," he exclaimed, suddenly. "We have been jinxed with a vengeance. Some one has held the Indian sign on us for sure."

I never heard of no such doings as is going on in dis house dis night with that there wild man with a gun five feet long, coming and going like de wind. Go on up, honey, and see what you kin do to dem with dat hoodoo." With which information good Cato started me up the stairs.

'Tis the first time such a thing has been known of in the country. Yu' remember them big tall grass-topped mountains over in the Hoodoo country, and how they descends slam down through the cross-timber that yu' can't scatcely work through afoot, till they pitches over into lots an' lots o' little canyons, with maybe two inches of water runnin' in the bottom?

As he reached the plate he shot at his schoolmates a look of grim resolution. "I'll bring those three fellows in, if I have to kill the ball, or drive it through a fielder!" muttered Ted resolutely. "If we can tie the score then we can break this fearful hoodoo and win the game yet." "Don't let that pitcher scare you, Ted!" yelled a South encouragingly. "He hasn't a wing any longer.

The negroes threw their hands into the air, with the same gesture I remarked the night before about the Hoodoo camp-fire; first one, and then another, ran forward and kneeled down and kissed the skirts of my torn dress; and when the white officer broke out swearing and calling to know if they were mad, the coloured seamen took him by the shoulders, dragged him on one side till they were out of hearing, and surrounded him with open mouths and extravagant pantomime.

"It certainly is coming down for keeps," he murmured. "This trip is a regular hoodoo so far. Hope I have it better coming back." As he looked down the road he espied an automobile coming through the mist of rain. It was an open car, and as he saw the three men in it huddled up under the insufficient protection of some blankets, Tom said: "They'd ought to come in here. There's lots of room.

The tired and disgusted Captain dismounted at evening, and limping gave his horse to Josiah. "What you done to Hoodoo, Master John? He's lame and you too." Without answering John Penhallow turned to greet Tom McGregor. "Happy Christmas, Tom." "You don't look very happy, John, nor that poor beast of yours. But I am glad to have caught you at last."

A Hoodoo put upon a negro may, if he knows of it, work upon him so powerfully through the imagination that he becomes very ill indeed, and only through a more powerful magic exercised by someone else can the Hoodoo be taken off.

"This place is my hoodoo. I can't win " The sentence died in the man's throat, became an inarticulate gurgle of dismay. He had looked up and met the steady eyes of the sheriff, and the surprise of it had driven the blood from his heart. A revolver thrust into his face could not have shaken him more than that serene smile.

Laundry, did you know that Miss Dean had been 'con-centrating' on you?" "What dat? Er hoodoo?" "Yes, that is what Miss Dean is trying to put on you," laughed Hippy. "You listen to me, Wash!" demanded Emma spiritedly. "When I was con-centrating on you, making my mind reach out to yours, didn't your hair seem to stand on end just the way a cat's hair does when you stroke it the wrong way " "Yes'm!