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So he looked up in the air, over his head, where the wild geese always fly, but, instead of seeing any of the big birds, Uncle Wiggily felt something whizz past him, and again he heard the loud "Honk-honk!" noise, and then he sneezed, for a lot of dust from the road flew up his nose. "My!" he heard some one cry. "We nearly ran over a rabbit! Did you see?"

And we hope that some day we may show them Detroit or some other good old American burg, or honk-honk them cross country through farm lands we now better appreciate than before we saw Europe, by woods, lake and stream to camp in the warm summer, or spend winter nights in a land with us as hosts, a land where life is really worth living.

Go along, there!" cried Miss Herron to the horses, who sprang forward as she laid the whip on their fat flanks. "If we can get just beyond the woods I can turn out for it. But oh, the wretches!" "Honk-honk!" close behind now. "Oh!" cried Lucy. She knelt up in the carriage seat, looking back along the road. "Wave to him, my child." Miss Herron leaned back on the reins.

Once we had been commuters on Long Island, and in our happy suburb there still lived a friend to whom the years had brought prosperity and motor-machines. In the earlier, more deliberate years he had found comfort and sufficient speed in an enviable surrey, attached to a faithful family horse which now, alas! was too slow, too deliberate for the pace of wealth and the honk-honk of style.