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He was ashamed, but he could not help it; he was feeling already as if he were a prisoner in a dungeon looking forward to his release. "5a Little Turnstile, High Holborn, London, W. C., November 9, 18 . "Oh yiz, oh yiz, oh yiz! This is to announce to you with due pomp and circumstance that I, Glory Quayle, am no longer at the hospital for the present. Did I never tell you?

They had walked down to Holborn in order to avoid the rather dangerous quarter of Gray's Inn Lane. Presently they were overtaken by the Secretary, staggering under more liquor. He did not recognise them, and rolled on. The shoemaker instantly detached himself from Zachariah and followed the drunken official.

She had never realised to herself, despite all that Lionel could say, the idea of Darrell's station in the world a lawyer who had spent his youth at the back of Holborn, whom the stylish Captain had deemed it a condescension not to cut, might indeed become very rich; but he could never be the fashion. "Poor man," she thought, "he must be very lonely. He is not, like Lionel, a young dancing man.

In Holborn, still, I went through another arched entrance, over which was "Staples Inn," and here likewise seemed to be offices; but, in a court opening inwards from this, there was a surrounding seclusion of quiet dwelling-houses, with beautiful green shrubbery and grass-plots in the court, and a great many sunflowers in full bloom.

Facing it, on the farther side of Holborn, in a position corresponding with that of The Temple at the Fleet Street extremity, is Gray's Inn, especially attractive to me on account of the long grassy enclosure within its innermost court, so smooth and bright and well-kept that I always stopt to gaze longingly at it through the railed barrier which shuts strangers out as if here were a tennis lawn reserved for the exclusive vise of frisky barristers.

Eight o'clock, or a bit after. I might be kept a little late." To her inexpressable thankfulness, Toby rather grumblingly agreed. "We'll go to the pictures," he said. "There's a picture house there." "Wherever you like. Toby, I must go." They kissed long and passionately; and when Sally was alone, sitting in the tramcar on its way to Holborn, she found that she was trembling from head to foot.

"Certainly, ma'am, I shall tell Marianne of it; but I shall not mention it at present to any body else." "Oh! very well," said Mrs. Jennings rather disappointed. "Then you would not have me tell it to Lucy, for I think of going as far as Holborn to-day." "No, ma'am, not even Lucy if you please. One day's delay will not be very material; and till I have written to Mr.

The ordeal had been so much less painful than he expected that he felt no particular disappointment. He could hardly hope to succeed in getting a place the first time he tried. He had kept the newspaper and now looked at the advertisements again: a shop in Holborn needed a salesman too, and he went there; but when he arrived he found that someone had already been engaged.

Bowen seems to have had an ill-balanced mind; he was so affected by Jeremy Collier's "Short View" that he left the stage and opened a cane shop in Holborn, thinking "a shopkeeper's life was the readiest way to heaven." But he was on the stage again in a year, thus resuming the career which was to be his ruin.

Gaining courage as he proceeded, he reached Holborn. Here the larger crowd swept around him indifferent. "I beg your pardon," said Johnny, coming into collision with a stout gentleman. "My fault," replied the stout gentleman, as, smiling, he picked up his damaged hat. "I beg your pardon," repeated Johnny again two minutes later, colliding with a tall young lady.