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The rented vehicle was urged back at a gallop to Bowers and continued public usefulness, and the whole body of enfranchised Poles, under the escort of Kiska, Jap Hinchey, and his fellows, trudged off in groups of five and ten to New Babylon.

I took that stone, my pattern of civic virtue; sold it, my pink of reformers. You needn't have screwed Jap Hinchey for that knowledge. I would have told you the truth any time, and much good may it do you. Are you ass enough to believe that the contractors went outside their specifications to dispose of the spoils banks to my company? They had their warrant from Albany in black and white.

Yet the root of his discontent struck rather deeper than Jasper Hinchey and the cold waterish zone of reform; Ruth had her part in it. He somehow reasoned that his course merited her approval and encouragement; it had met with banter. So gyved, lagged the hope of the independents to his task.

Anna Howard Shaw, the national president, and included Miss Katharine Devereux Blake, Miss Ida Craft and Miss Rosalie Jones of New York; Mrs. Antoinette Funk, Miss Jane Thompson, Miss Gratia Erickson and Miss Florence Lord of Chicago; Mrs. Root of Los Angeles. During May and June Mrs. Cotterill of Seattle, and during July and August Miss Margaret Hinchey of Boston, gave their time to labor unions.

The sordid necessity of seeing Hinchey taught him afresh the folly of his dabbling in politics at all, and his whole being revolted against the contact with humanity in the raw which even mugwumpery seemed to entail. Left to himself, Sprague might have headed his own John Brown raid into the established order of things; led it with brilliancy perhaps, in any case with honest zeal.

"None o' them coffin-nails fer me," declined the Spartan. "I smokes men's terbacker." Graves gave him a cigar which he chanced to have about him. "I don't seem to have a match left," he observed, fumbling in his pockets. Jasper Hinchey calmly relieved him of his cigarette, lit his cigar with it, and restored the costly importation, malodorous of fish.

"Mebbe it's not too stiff fer yer purse. They say ez how 'tis well lined, Mr. Graves." "Do you know that the Penal Code makes soliciting a candidate to buy tickets a misdemeanor?" Hinchey smirked. "A party whut I know buys 'em without askin'," said he. Jasper Hinchey did not call at the Whig office any morning between ten o'clock and twelve.

"I've found a man who seems to know of Shelby's crookedness, and is willing to tell what he knows." "Well?" "Jap Hinchey." Graves's face lengthened. "That beast," said he. "Did you expect a Sir Galahad for such a service?" "What would the word of such a man avail?" "As much as any informer's; it isn't a chivalrous office."

Having been told to present themselves at a later hour, the villagers were in all states of unreadiness; but by impressing this helper and that, doing the work of three men himself, and with the reënforcement of Jap Hinchey and his co-workers, whom Bowers hurried to the scene in a hired carriage whose bravery of varnish made mock of their rags, Kiska at last collected his compatriots.

Shelby told his whereabouts, and requested the prompt services of Jasper Hinchey and three or four kindred spirits, ringing off after certain mysterious, though concise, directions regarding a concert hall in the Flats, which he meant shortly to utilize. He had barely hung up the receiver when a telegraph messenger from town brought a despatch for Kiska.