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Seeing that it was addressed to her, she waited until everybody had gone, and sat under the pepper-tree in the deserted playground, where she might read it in solitude. 'DEAR MISTRESS MARY, it said, 'do you care to hear of my life? "Pas Ewig-Weibliche Zieht uns hinan," and I am growing olives.

Lovers delighted in nature then as now; the moon was their chosen confidante, and I know of no modern poem in which the mysterious charm of a summer night and the magic beauty which lies on flowers, trees and fountains in those silent hours when the world is asleep, is more exquisitely described than in the following verses, also by Sappho, at the reading of which we seem forced to breathe more slowly, "kuhl bis an's Herz hinan."

Man's path is to the Eternal dem Grabe hinan and from the study of the Revolution of 1848 Flaubert arises with the same embittered insight as marks the close of "Frederick the Great."

Going deeper, to the roots of human instinct, I find she represents to me so chance has willed it the ewige weibliche which must complement masculinity in order to produce normal existence. But as for the "zieht uns hinan" no. It would not attract me hence out of my sphere. I could commit an immortal folly for no woman who ever made this planet more lustrous to its Bruderspharen.

Let us read together the third part of Faust; for I understand it at last." "Hush, man," he said, half rising with an expression of alarm. "Control yourself." "Do not let tears mislead you. I am calm and strong. Quick, let us have Goethe: Das Unbeschreibliche, Hier ist gethan; Das Ewig-Weibliche, Zieht uns hinan." "Come, come. Dry your eyes and be quiet. I have no library here."