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"It is more bitter than that, mither mine." "No the Earl surely no the Earl himsel' the laddie that I hae nursed the laddie that was to Barbara Halliburton as her ain dear son!" "Mother, it is the Earl and young David too. They are dead, betrayed into the hands of their enemies, cruelly and treacherously slain!"

See whar the edge o' t' bell took him, and smashed his ain, the self-same lids. By ma sang, I wonder the deaul did na carry awa' his corpse i' the night, as he did wi' Tam Lunder's at Mooltern Mill." "Hout, man, who ever sid t' deaul inside o' a church?" "The corpse is ill-faur'd enew to scare Satan himsel', for that matter; though it's true what you say.

It's himsel' works all day in the Shurance office beyant. He comes home dragged out, does a dale of writing for Mrs. Slocum hersel', and goes to bed sayin' nothin' to nobody." Lady Swiggs says: "God bless me. He no doubt labors in a good cause-an excellent cause-he will have his reward hereafter."

"Ye needna look soor nor cock yir nose in the air, for you an' me are auld freends, and yir puir granny wes na mair anxious aboot ye than a' wes. "A'm feared that laddie o' Bell's 'ill kill himsel' oot in Ameriky' were ma verra words tae Hillocks here; 'he 'ill be slavin' his flesh aff his banes tae mak a fortune and keep her comfortable'

He had come to make a show o' himsel' afore his mither, and I dare say to give her some gold, for he was aye ready to give when he had, I'll say that for him; but she had flitted to some unkent place, and so he bade on some weeks at the Cullew public.

Is that document, in the handwriting o' the man himsel', not proof positive that I have paid the money?

He thinks there's naething o' mair importance, 'cep' maybe some ither pairts o' the same buik; but syne he's but a puir fisher body himsel', an' what kens he o' the wisdom an' riches an' pooer o' this michty queen o' the nations, thron't aboot him?

"Ah, puir Frisbie, puir lad! Gude hae mercy on him! I'll be carfu', me laird; though it was no me, but puir Frisbie himsel', that let the bit note drap. But I'll be carefu', me laird, though 'deed I dinna see the use o' concealment, sin' naebody ever interferes wi' onything I am bringing your lairdship."

Oh Maggie, if I could win at that office, I wouldna envy king nor knight, no, nor the poet himsel'." "Did you see the minister?" "Ay; bring your chair near me, and I'll tell you what he said. You'll be to hear it, and as weel now, as again." "Surely he had the kind word to-day, and you that fu' o' sorrow?" "He meant to be kind. Surely he meant to be kind.

But whan man or wuman repents and heumbles himsel, there is He to lift them up, and that higher than ever they stede afore!" "Syne they're no to be despised that fa'!" "Nane despises them, lassie, but them that haena yet learnt the danger they're in o' that same fa' themsels.