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"'Tis the pervarsity av the sect," sez I to mesilf, an' gave my cap another cock on my head an' straightened my back 'twas the back av a Dhrum Major in those days an' wint off as tho' I did not care, wid all the women in the Married Quarters laughin', I was pershuaded most bhoys are I'm thinkin' that no woman born av woman cud stand against me av I hild up my little finger.

If I can get his cart at a Waltar, I shall lend it a put. If I may not keep geese, I shall keep gesline. It is kindly that the poke fair of the Herring. It is eich to cry yule on another man's cost; Ilk a man as he loves, let him send to the Cooks, It is eith to swim where the head is hild up. It is weil warit they have sorrow, that buyes it with their silver. If ane will not, another will.

Hi was the man wot said, 'We'll make a few rupees off o' the business." "We hild a Council av War," continued Mulvaney, "walkin' roun' by the Artill'ry Lines. I was Prisidint, Learoyd was Minister av Finance, an' little Orth'ris here was" "A bloomin' Bismarck! Hi made the 'ole show pay."

Hild reigned thirty years at Whitby and died after many years of suffering, during which she never failed to teach her flock, both in public and in private. All that we know of her character, indicates a strong and vivid personality, a mind keenly alive to the necessities of the age, and a will vigorous enough to be successful in providing for them where opportunity occurred.

"'My troth, sez I, 'you've lived too long you an' your seekin's an' findin's in a dacint married woman's quarters! Hould up your head, ye frozen thief av Genesis, sez I, 'an' you'll find all you want an' more! "But he niver hild up, an' I let go from the shoulder to where the hair is short over the eyebrows. "'That'll do your business," sez I, but it nearly did mine instid.

BRYNHILD "I shall tell thee True tale from my chariot, O thou who naught wottest, If thou listest to wot; How for me they have gotten Those heirs of Giuki, A loveless life, A life of lies. "Hild under helm, The Hlymdale people, E'en those who knew me, Ever would call me.

Another reference may probably be supplied by the much debated lines 14-16 from the Anglo-Saxon Deor, of which the most satisfactory translation seems to be: "Many of us have heard of the harm of Hild; the Jute's loves were unbounded, so that the care of love took from him sleep altogether."

Havin' onearthed this amazin' an' stupenjus fraud committed by the man Dearsley, I hild a council av war; he thryin' all the time to sejuce me into a fight with opprobrious language. That sedan-chair niver belonged by right to any foreman av coolies. 'Tis a king's chair or a quane's. There's gold on ut an' silk an' all manner av trapesemints.

Thorstein got on board a ferry-boat, and took twelve men with him; and Thorarin, his brother-in-law, and Osk, Thorstein's daughter, and Hild, her daughter, who was three years old, went with them too.

This island battle among dead and living is peculiar to the Norse version, and coloured by, if not originating in, the Valhalla idea: Högni and Hedin and their men are the Einherjar who fight every day and rest and feast at night, Hild is a war-goddess.