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Our coats and canes were taken by the duke's lackeys when we arrived. We were shown over the house. Until now so his Grace informed us it had not been changed since the time of the fourth duke, who, as we doubtless knew, had been an ardent supporter of the Hanoverian succession. The rooms were high-panelled and furnished in the German style, as was the fashion when the Square was built.

Our coats and canes were taken by the duke's lackeys when we arrived. We were shown over the house. Until now so his Grace informed us it had not been changed since the time of the fourth duke, who, as we doubtless knew, had been an ardent supporter of the Hanoverian succession. The rooms were high-panelled and furnished in the German style, as was the fashion when the Square was built.

It was, in its way, a very charming room, with its high-panelled wainscoting of olive-stained oak, its cream-coloured frieze and ceiling of raised plaster-work, and its brickdust felt carpet strewn with silk long-fringed Persian rugs.

As to how many plots had been hatched behind its studded doors, how many affairs of honour had been settled for all time under its high-panelled roof, there was only a meagre record; but those we knew of had been bloody and not a few. The light was none too good in there, and I failed, at first, to discover the object of my quest.

Our coats and canes were taken by the duke's lackeys when we arrived. We were shown over the house. Until now so his Grace informed us it had not been changed since the time of the fourth duke, who, as we doubtless knew, had been an ardent supporter of the Hanoverian succession. The rooms were high-panelled and furnished in the German style, as was the fashion when the Square was built.