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"We always wash the pavement on Sathurday." "But it doesn't do to wash the pavement," I returned, now trying to put a little reason into her head, "when it is so cold that water will freeze as soon as it touches the ground. The bricks become as slippery as glass, and people can't walk on them without falling." "Och! And what hev we till do wid the paple. Lot 'em look 'till their steps."

"Ef ther man-person thet used ter dwell in this hyar house, and his kinfolks, hed of shot thet fashion, I reckon mebby ther Rowletts wouldn't never hev run old Burrell Thornton outen these mountings." "Did they run him out?" Rowlett studied his companion much as he might have studied someone who calmly admits a stultifying ignorance.

He only saw; he did not note. His every faculty was concentrated on the girl's drawling voice as she began again, hesitating, and evidently at a loss. "Waal, I hate ter tell ye, Justus, but I hev ter do it, an' I mought ez well the day that I promised ter set the day. It's it's never! I ain't goin' ter marry ye at all!" He recoiled as from a blow. And yet he could not accept the fact.

'Young Mr Pendle is engaged to marry you, ain't he? and he's goin' to hev the livin' of Heathcroft, ain't he? and old Leigh's a-dyin' fast, ain't he? 'Go on, father, you've done it now, said Bell, resignedly, and sat down. Cargrim was almost too surprised to speak. The rector of Heathcroft dying; Gabriel engaged to marry this common woman.

"'Tain't noways what ye'd call much o' a story, but it 'lustrates ther intelligence o' ther hawg, which in my 'pinion ez almost ez great ez thet o' some collidge gradooates what I hev mixed with." Bud stopped and looked hard at Ben, who seemed to be taking a nap in his big chair.

'Why not? I enquired. 'Never'd hev hed a chance, Uncle Eb added. We were two weeks at home with mother and father and Uncle Eb. It was a delightful season of rest in which Hope and I went over the sloping roads of Faraway and walked in the fields and saw the harvesting.

As the long-drawn breath went out between the parted lips of Bas Rowlett he wilted into a spectacle of abject surrender, then turning he led the way to the house, found pencil and paper, and wrote laboriously as the other dictated. At the end he signed his name. Then Parish Thornton said, "Now I aims ter hev ye walk along with me till I gits my horse an' starts home.

Them peanuts ought to hev' been in the ground two weeks ago " "They ain't hulled yet," interrupted his wife. "Sairy Jane ain't done more'n half of 'em. She and Nick can do the balance after supper. Hurry up, Sairy Jane, and get through. Nannie, don't you touch another slice of that middlin'. You'll be frettin' all night." Nicholas looked up nervously.

Don' know none tew much 'bout this here business. Don' cal'late we 're goin' t' hev any trouble, but if we dew Hark!" We had both heard a stir in the bushes, and stuck our paddles in the sand, listening. After a little silence I heard D'ri get up and step stealthily into the water and buckle on his sword. Then I could hear him sinking the canoe and shoving her anchor deep into the sand.

But it was the modern up-to-date Winchester which he had held, all poised to fly up to the ready shoulder should he find the splashing animal which had attracted his attention by its noise, which, next to his handsome, clean-cut face, had most aroused her admiration. "Lordy! Joe'd give his eyes to hev a gun like that," she said.