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"Don't you think, papa," Carlisle said sweetly, "that it will all end in something like the French Revolution?" Mr. Heth thought it extremely likely. "Well," said he, "I shan't be bothered by their college folderol. O'Neill's easy enough managed. All I need to do is invite him and Missus O. to dinner." "Who's O'Neill?" demanded Mrs. Heth, gliding in.

Agitating such matters as these, Cally Heth got into bed and pulled up the covers. She repelled the thought of the Works, as she had done, all evening. Nevertheless the last thing she thought of as she dropped off to sleep was Dr. Vivian, as he stood and looked up at her from the dingy sidewalk.

That's kind of you," said he, his pleasure gaining strength. "I'm happy to say that there is, the best news. He's going to get well." "I'm so glad to hear it," replied Miss Heth.... If, in despite of herself, there was a trace of stiff self-consciousness in her voice and air, how was she to be blamed for that?

Worthington, sitting down again; "I have come to-night to appeal to you in the name of the farmers and merchants of this region your neighbors, to use your influence to get that franchise. I have come to you with the conviction that I shall not have appealed in vain." "Er appealed to Heth in the name of the farmers and merchants?" "Mr. Sutton is Speaker of the House."

And then, as the prize of her lifetime sat and sipped, she seated herself beside him, her strong voice trembling.... All hope of discreet reticence was now ripped to shreds. What chance remained of rescuing the name of Heth from the scandalous horrors of a suicide lay all in arousing this stalwart man to the imminence of the common peril. Mrs.

Pond then said: "Is Miss Heth in there?" Mr. Dayne said that she was. And Sam O'Neill, who had not known who the visitor was, first looked startled and then lapsed off into heavy musings.... The Director sat down on a chair by the door. His strong face looked tired. "Won't you, a little later," he said to Mr. Dayne, "go down and say a few words to the people outside? They'd appreciate it."

Then there was a desolating silence, out of which she heard something far off like a man groaning. "Hello!" she called sharply. "Are you there?" "Where are you, Miss Heth?" was Dr. Vivian's reply; and his voice was like the voice of the man who had groaned.... "Are you in your room at the hotel? Is your mother with you there?"

Hearing the whir of a slowing motor behind her, and her name called besides, Henrietta Cooney checked her practised pedestrian's stride and looked back over her shoulder. The Heth car, with Carlisle alone in it, rolled abreast of her at the curb. "What on earth are you doing, Hen," asked her cousin, but hardly as if the matter interested her much "up here at this time!"

Sutton, blowing out the smoke; "of course anything I can do, Jethro anything in reason." "W-wouldn't ask a high-minded man to do anything he hadn't ought to," said Jethro; "the fact is, I'd like to git Eph Prescott appointed at the Brampton post-office. You can fix that, Heth can't you you can fix that?" Mr. Sutton stuck his thumb into his vest pocket and cleared his throat.

I like not these Celtic women, with their round black eyes and their red color and black hair. In Shetland you will see women that you may safely love good and beautiful girls of your own race; there must be no strange women among the Borsons. Your Bible tells you what sorrow comes from marrying daughters of Heth and their like. Go to Shetland for your wife." "I will, father."