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Jacobi will give him instruction, together with Nils Gabriel, the son of the District-Governor, Stjernhök, a most industrious and remarkably sensible boy, from whose influence on my Henrik I hope for much good.

Don't speak of such things," she begged, her lips trembling. "I've finished, Beautiful. That's all I wanted to say. Just for you to remember," he smiled. Her arms went round him. "You're bad," she whispered, "I shan't remember." "Here comes Henrik," he replied. "Run in to your babies." He watched her swinging steps as, after a farewell kiss, she sped down the little path.

O, Henrik, could you but hear the talk I hear it, and people look so strangely at me, and pity me ... I can't stand it!" She arose as if to escape him, walked across the room, then sat down by the center table. He closed the window blind, then lighted the gas, and seated himself opposite her by the table.

"Oh, we have had a magnificent shower!" said Henrik, shaking himself, and casting a side glance on Jacobi, who looked both downcast and doleful in his wet apparel. "Such weather as this is quite an affair of my own. In wind and rain one becomes so I don't know rightly how do you, mon cher?"

"So now you may take your joiner's bench into the room again, Henrik; you can talk with Gjert in there that is to say, if he will condescend now to answer a common man like you tell him you will be a merchant captain, and earn as much as two such fellows in uniform. Mother and I can then enjoy a little peace from you here in the kitchen." When they were alone, Elizabeth asked

It was easy to recognize Henrik in the young fellow who would have loved so much to smile, only that cursed waxed moustache would not allow his mouth to open very far. "Welcome, welcome," sounded from all sides.

Henrik Ibsen in his hot youth essayed a Catiline, and in later life seeks the subject of what is perhaps his masterpiece, the Emperor and Galilean, in the Rome of the fourth century. But in Russia Tolstoi begins, and in Russia he ends.

His new book is as healthful as it is eloquent. Globe. 'Throughout the book the poetic workmanship is fine. Scotsman. IBSEN. BRAND. A Drama by HENRIK IBSEN. Translated by WILLIAM WILSON. Crown 8vo. Second Edition. 3s. 6d. 'The greatest world-poem of the nineteenth century next to "Faust." "Brand" will have an astonishing interest for Englishmen.

At the bottom of the stairs the comical Henrik was waiting for me, with a large brush in his hand. He assured me that my attila had become floury surely from Fanny's apron, for that was always floury and that he must brush it off. I only begged him not to touch my collar with the hair brush; for that a silk brush was required, as it was velvet.

Thirdly, and to make it short, lastly, the late Henrik Ibsen, nourished upon Munich beer, wrote "Hedda Gabler," not to mention "Rosmersholm" and "The Lady from the Sea" wrote them in his flat in the Maximilianstrasse overlooking the palace and the afternoon promenaders, in the late eighties of the present, or Christian era wrote them there and then took them to the Café Luitpold, in the Briennerstrasse, to ponder them, polish them and make them perfect.