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"It's no use, Louis," he muttered, "we can do nothing now; time enough later on. Give your orders, and don't look so infernally white about the gills." The taunt went home, and Hendry pulled himself together.

"Hendry," I replied instantly, "why is the Auld Licht bell ringing?" He put his finger to his lip. "I see," he said imperturbably, "you've met our folk in the glen and heard frae them about the minister." "What folk?" "Mair than half the congregation," he replied, "I started for Glen Quharity twa hours syne to help the farmers. You didna see them?"

He exulted in the fourteenth of John, pouring it forth like one whom it intoxicated while he read. He emphasized every other word; it was so real and grand to him. We went upon our knees while Hendry prayed, all but Jess, who could not. Jamie buried his face in her lap. The words Hendry said were those he used every night.

Not the very first, not when I not when you not when we no, not then, but the next morning I said to Farmer Hendry, 'I wish you would keep your savage bull chained up while we are here; aunt Celia is awfully afraid of them, especially those that go mad, like yours! 'Lor', miss, said Farmer Hendry, 'he haven't been pastured here for three weeks. I keep him six mile away.

Two hundred tents or tipis were pitched in two parallel rows, and down this avenue marched Anthony Hendry, gazed at silently by many Blackfeet Indians until he reached the large house or lodge of their great chief, at the end of the avenue of tents. This lodge was large enough to contain fifty persons. The chief received him seated on the sacred skin of a white buffalo.

"Mr Hendry, be good enough to take my right hand, and you, Herr von Hamner, my left. So; now shake my hands. You see, there are the handcuffs on the floor." It was only a shake of the hands, but the clink of the steel followed as the bracelets dropped from his wrists. He stooped down, and inside ten seconds they were clipped round Von Hamner's.

It was one day shortly before Jamie's return to Thrums that Jess saw Hendry pass the house and go down the brae when he ought to have come in to his brose. She sat at the window watching for him, and by and by he reappeared, carrying a parcel. "Whaur on earth hae ye been?" she asked, "an' what's that you're carryin'?" "Did ye think it was an eleven an' a bit?" said Hendry.

Hendry tried Jess sorely over the cloaks, and a time came when, only by exasperating her, could he get her to reply to his sallies. "Wha wants an eleven an' a bit?" she retorted now and again. "It's you 'at wants it," said Hendry, promptly. "Did I ever say I wanted ane? What use could I hae for't?" "That's the queistion," said Hendry.

Nicol Hendry thought for a few seconds before he replied slowly: "Yes, Professor. As long as you do help us I don't care either why or how, for, as I may now be quite frank with you, we certainly want help of some sort very badly. The papers are quite right for once. Neither here nor on the Continent have we found a single clue worth picking up. It is humiliating, but it is true."

Twenty years ago, and still Jess sat at the window, and still she heard that woman scream. Every other living being had forgotten Joey; even to Hendry he was now scarcely a name, but there were times when Jess's face quivered and her old arms went out for her dead boy. "God's will be done," she said, "but oh, I grudged Him my bairn terrible sair.