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But from his place across the deck, Tisdale noticed a drop had fallen, spreading, above the hem of her white skirt. The red stain held his austere gaze. It became a symbol of blood; on the garment of the vestal the defilement of sacrifice. She was responsible for Weatherbee's death. He must not forget that. And he saw through her. Now he saw.

So, Estella and I went out into the garden by the gate through which I had strayed to my encounter with the pale young gentleman, now Herbert; I, trembling in spirit and worshipping the very hem of her dress; she, quite composed and most decidedly not worshipping the hem of mine. As we drew near to the place of encounter, she stopped and said,

Tell me the cause of my misfortunes, or rather, help me to my liberty, and I will reward you richly. 'Aye, aye, replied my keeper; 'but what use to give you liberty, who know nothing how to use it like a gentleman, but spend your time with Quakers and fiddlers, and such like raff! If I was your hem, hem, hem!

But when she was told that no person, excepting the physician appointed by her family, was to be permitted to see the lady at the end of the gallery, she opened her keen eyes still wider, and uttered a "hem!" before she enquired "Why?"

The Chief wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes with the bottom hem of his white robe, and all the other Horners wiped their eyes on their robes, for they had laughed just as heartily as their Chief at the absurd joke. "Then," said Scraps, "their understanding of the understanding you meant led to the misunderstanding."

Soldiers! seize the traitor!" Toussaint turned in an instant, and sprang upon his horse. Not a negro would lay hands on him; but they cast upon him, in token of honour, the blossoms of the amaryllis and the orange that they carried. The Spanish soldiers, however, endeavoured to close round him and hem him in, as the General's voice was still heard "Seize him! Bring him in, dead or alive!"

"You don't want people laughing at her, do you?" Duty said, sensibly. "Well, then, rip out that hem and face up that skirt and stop sighing. What can't be cured must be endur " "I'm ripping it out," Aunt Olivia interrupted, crisply. But Duty was not to be silenced. "You ought to have done it before," dictatorially. "You've known all along that Rebecca Mary was growing up."

"Silence, boys; bad manners to yez, will ye be asy, you Lilliputian Boeotians by my hem upon my credit, if I go down to that corner, I'll castigate yez in dozens: I can't spake to this dacent woman, with your insuperable turbulentiality."

She wishes to remind him that he had been Mourad's friend. He well understands her meaning, and, stepping quickly forward, falls on his knee before her, and reverently kisses the hem of her dress. "I paused, O Sitta, Rose of Cairo I paused because I heard the song of the slaves they are singing my favorite song." "The song is known to you?" said Sitta Nefysseh. "It is.

For reply he stooped to her foot, and kissed the mesh-clad instep fervidly. "How dare you!" she cried, scrambling down hastily without his assistance. But, alas, even trickery is not always successful in this uncertain world! The hold of the piano upon the hem of her gown was stronger than she realized.