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The manager, with whom each was closeted, is Hans Hermann Heildelk of Avenida Peru, No. 64, Panama City, and, though efforts have been made to keep it secret, part owner of the agency. Heildelk is also the son-in-law of Ernst F. Neumann, the Nazi Consul to Panama. On November 15, 1937, Heildelk returned from Japan by way of Germany.

The Japanese were too shrewd to discuss detailed plans with so many present. A few days later Umimoto called upon Heildelk and was closeted with him for three hours. Shortly after that Sonada made a hurried trip to Japan. Secret Agents Arrive in America

Two unidentified men, Heildelk and Walter Scharpp, former Nazi Consul at Colón who had also just returned from Germany, stepped out, and stooping under the partly open door, entered the store. Once inside Scharpp quietly assumed command. To all practical purposes they were on German territory, for the Nazi consulate office was in the store.

The list of members was to be controlled by Neumann. Scharpp explained that secrecy was advisable to avoid antagonizing the Panamanian Government, "which is friendly to Italy and we can cooperate with the Italian Legation here." "The Japanese are more important that the Italians," Kohpcke pointed out. "The Japanese will work with us," Heildelk assured him. "But we can't be seen with them "