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"Ah! yes, I know few pleasures so great as that of finding one's own idea, or hope, or longing, finely expressed, half-born thoughts alive and of stately stature; and then the exquisite touches of art upon quick nerves, the enlarging of the realms of imagination, knowledge, the heightening of perceptions, intuitions; finally the blessed power of escaping from oneself, with the paradoxical reward of greater self-realization!

As a result of the war, there has been, it must be said, a heightening of national consciousness in all countries, because creative minds that were allowed to survive were sent home to struggle with the problem of their own soil. There is no reason whatever for believing that America cannot have as many good artists as any other country.

The illusory means of prolongation of the working-time and similar devices by which the situation of the individual deteriorates would be out of the question; on the contrary, the heightening of the individual's joy in the work and of the personal satisfaction in one's total life development belongs among the most important, indirect agencies of the new scheme.

Any trace of heated emotion would have weakened the impression. The nation's sin was so crimson as to need no heightening of colour. With like judicial calmness, with like completeness, omitting nothing, does 'the book, which will one day be opened, set down every man's deeds, and he will be 'judged according to the things that are written in this book. Some of us will find our page sad reading.

They know that Thomas stands here and that he's a mighty rock, hard to move. They expect to shatter all the rest of the line, and then whirl and annihilate us." "Let 'em come!" exclaimed Warner, with heightening color. "Who's afraid?" The dawn was spreading. The heavy mists that hung over the Chickamauga floated away. All the east was silver, and the darkness rolled back like a blanket.

Et quae Desperat, tractata nitescere posse, relinquit. In Bartholomew Fair, or the lowest kind of Comedy, that degree of heightening is used which is proper to set off that subject.

"I'm justified in hurting you if it's for your good," he declared calmly. "Now let me bind it up." While he tied up her hand, she looked at him resentfully, the colour heightening on her cheek. "I wish you'd often look like that," he remarked. "I shall if you treat me so unkindly." He took no notice of the accusation, but said: "When you look like that it's wonderful.

She had seen the gradual heightening of brilliance from dawn to noon, and then the fading-out from that high, white-hot glare, through gold and rose and salmon and purple, to the ashy lavenders of twilight and so into gray and the metallic, glittering coldness of the mountain night. It was the purple hour when she said good-bye to Saint Mark on the far side of a swift and perilous ford.

But no process of that sort will suffice to account for the change and heightening of the disciples' thoughts about their dead Lord. It was not merely that, when they remembered, they said, Did not our hearts burn within us by the way while He talked with us? but that His death wrought exactly the opposite effect from what it might have been expected to do.

I spent the hours in an exhausting mental state that alternated between hope and fear, a state of unmitigated, intense desire, of balked realization, sometimes heightening into that sheer terror I had felt when I had detected over the telephone that note in her voice that seemed of despair. Had she had a presentiment, all along, that something would occur to separate us?