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During a short halt, while the road was filled with infantry and artillery side by side, we felt the earth heave under our feet, followed instantly by a terrific report, and then a body of fire and flame, a hundred feet in diameter, shot skyward from beyond an intervening copse of woods.

" right represt, Will heave with the deep earthquake's fierce unrest, Then fling, with fiery strength, the mountain from its breast"

"Lord, Johnnie-boy, no wonder everybody loves you. No matter what a man does, all you see is the best that's in him." It was time to clean up then, and Johnnie of course was bound to help. "What'll I do with this?" asked Johnnie, in the middle of the cleaning up, holding up a pan of sweepings. "Oh, that" Clancy naturally took charge "heave it overboard. Ebb tide'll carry it away.

The veranda floor seemed to heave up and down like sea waves under her feet. But in the next few seconds she regained control of herself. "Why such a charge is absurd," she declared vehemently, "this is simply spite on the part of our rivals in the aeroplane business."

Looking beneath, they saw a huge cripple straining himself, Atlas-like, to heave it over. In spite of inferior legs, his brawny shoulders had almost accomplished the feat when he was unceremoniously interrupted. While he sprawled away, a mob of blacks rushed suddenly from the cover of some rocks, the leader of the assailants being Blue Shirt, who had painted his unclad parts martial red and white.

"He says he'll bring up a shilling if you heave it overboard," answered Togle, retaliating by seizing the first coin he could lay hands on out of Master Jemmy's waistcoat pocket it was fortunately only half-a-crown. "There, Smaitch, it's too much for one of you though, so both of you be after it."

And if there was a fight, then that must be the end of Durade. For this gambler, Hough, with his unshakable nerve, his piercing eyes, his wonderful white hands, swift as light he would at the slightest provocation kill Durade. Suddenly Allie was arrested by a loud, long suspiration a heave of heavy breaths in the room of the gamblers.

A voice replied, in Dutch; and my father, who understood the language, at once cried out, "Heave to, for the love of Heaven, and receive us on board!" "Ya, ya," was the answer; "we will be up with you presently." In a few minutes we were alongside the stranger, a small Dutch trading-sloop. As soon as we were all on board our boat was dropped astern, and sail was made.

Yonder comes a fellow who will lift us heave a strain heave harder heave, body and soul! heave, altogether!" The men obeyed. First they hove a gentle strain; then the effort was increased; and, obedient to the order, just as the ground-swell rolled under the lugger's bottom, they threw out their utmost strength, and the hull started for the first time.

It is not enough that we should have matter, we must also have a single impulse, one shove to launch the mass, and generate the harmony of the centrifugal and centripetal forces. Once heave the ball from the hand, and we can show how all this mighty order grew." "A very unreasonable postulate," said the metaphysicians, "and a plain begging of the question.