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Accepting the property from Mr Heatherstone is receiving a favour, were it given as a marriage portion with his daughter. Now, why should I accept as a favour what I can claim as a right? It is my intention of appealing to the king and demanding the restoration of my property. He cannot refuse it." "Put not your trust in princes, brother," replied Alice.

Heatherstone that his application to the property of Arnwood had been acceded to, and signed by the commissioners; and that he might take immediate possession. Edward turned pale as he laid the document down on the table. "We will ride to-morrow, Edward, and look it over. I intend to rebuild the house." Edward made no reply. "Are you not well?" said the intendant, with surprise.

I will send over to them and let them know that your brother is better, if you do not leave this for the cottage yourself after the surgeon has called again." "My sisters are no longer at the cottage, Master Heatherstone," replied Humphrey; "they have gone to some friends who have taken charge of them.

As Oswald had informed them, the Intendant made his appearance in the forenoon of the following day, and was accompanied by his daughter, who rode by his side. A groom, on another horse, led a pony for Clara to ride; and a cart for the luggage followed at some distance. Edward went out to assist Miss Heatherstone to dismount, and she frankly extended her hand to him as she reached the ground.

"No less than one with whom you were formerly well acquainted, Edward Patience Heatherstone." "Patience Heatherstone," cried Edward, "the toast of all London!" "Yes; and deservedly so, I can assure you; but she is as good as she is handsome, and, moreover, treats all the gay gallants with perfect indifference.

I could realise the Heatherstone of forty years ago when I saw the fierce and sudden wrath which lit up the features of his son. Either the bribe or the threat had the desired effect, for the fellow grabbed at the money with one hand while with the other he surrendered the leash which held the lurcher.

He had been prevented, by the interruption of Mr Heatherstone, from making his confession to Patience; and now he could not make it to anybody without a rupture with the Intendant, or a compromise, by asking what he so earnestly desired the hand of Patience. Mr Heatherstone observing to Edward that he did not look so well, said supper was ready; and that they had better go into the next room.

Oswald found him sensible, but in deep distress, as may be imagined. "The fire is all out, sir," said Oswald. "I care not for that. My poor, poor child!" "Your child is safe, sir," replied Oswald. "Safe, did you say?" cried Mr Heatherstone, starting up. "Safe; where?" "In my cottage. She has sent me for you."

Mr Heatherstone, as was usual at that time with the people to whose party he ostensibly belonged, said a grace before meat, of considerable length, and then they sat down to table.

Edward now began to talk incoherently, and attempted to rise from the bed, but his efforts were unavailing he was too weak; but he raved of Patience Heatherstone, and he called himself Edward Beverley more than once, and he talked of his father and of Arnwood. "If he has raved in this manner," thought Humphrey, "he has not many secrets left to disclose.