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The two tiny space wagons were 90 miles from the Platform, which was now merely a glittering speck, hardly brighter than the brightest stars. There was a flare of light to Earthward. It was brighter than the sun. The light vanished. Brown's voice came in the headphones, "Our missile went off 200 miles short! He sent an interceptor to set it off!" "Then he's dangerous," said Joe.

While no sound can be heard in the headphones at the receiving station so long as the points of the key are not in contact, when they are in contact the oscillations are modulated and sounds are heard in the headphones that correspond to the frequency of the buzzer in the key circuit. The Operation of C. W. Telegraph Transmitters with Direct Current.

It's more important than being admired." "You could take another ship back," she told him. "It would be worth more to Dara than the Med Ship is! And then everybody would realize that you'd planned everything." "Ah," said Calhoun, "but you've no idea how much this ship matters to Dara!" He seated himself at the controls. He slipped headphones over his ears. He listened.

He looked up, his expression peculiar. "A solid-fuel rocket can start off at ten gravities acceleration," he said quietly, "and as its rockets burn away it can go up a lot higher than that. But 4,000 miles is a long way to go straight up. If it isn't launched yet " Mike snapped into a microphone: "Right!" To Joe he said, "Space Platform on the wire." Joe heard an acknowledgment in his headphones.

Where a wire is wound in a coil the impedance of the circuit is increased and where an alternating current is used the impedance grows greater as the frequency gets higher. The impedance of the magnet coils of a receiver is so great for high frequency oscillations that the latter cannot pass through them; in other words, they are choked off. How the Headphones Work.

The result is that these oscillations of different frequencies interfere and reinforce each other when beats are produced, the period of which is slow enough to be heard in the headphones, hence the incoming signals can be heard only when waves from the sending station are being received. The Autodyne or Self-Heterodyne Long-Wave Receiving Set.

But here there was no sensation of motion, and the distances were enormous. Things which happen in space happen with insensate violence and incredible swiftness. But long, long, long intervals elapse between events. The twelve-two rocket burned out. The Chief had matched that also. Brown's voice in the headphones said, "The rocket's cut acceleration. It's floating up, now.

Instantly, it seemed, they were out of night and there was a streaming tumult of clouds flashing past below but they were 800 miles up now and Joe's headphones rattled and he said: "Now we can give a touch of course-correction, and maybe a trace of speed...." Rockets droned and boomed and roared outside the hull. The Earth fell away and away and presently it was behind.

He told how he had set up his outfit in the center of a howling wilderness and had received all the latest news of the world in his shack, not to mention music of every kind. He said that the natives and Indians thought it must be magic, and were looking all over the shack for the spirit that they supposed must be talking into the headphones.

"Watch for the microwave signals," said Jones' voice in Cochrane's headphones. The voice from the observatory squeaked suddenly. This was not one of the highly-placed astronomers, but part of the mechanical staff who'd been willing to do an unreasonable chore for pay. "Here's the blip! It's crazy! Nothing can go that fast!"