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But these yere hawgs I am tellin' erbout wuz different." "How was that?" "Yer see, thet thar ole boar wuz ez smart ez a copperation lawyer. He'd fixed them hawgs ter swim. First they got thar hoofs all balled up with gumbo, er sticky clay, then they worked ther dry grass inter ther clay and mixed 'em good an' stiff, lettin' 'em dry in ther sun.

"That wuz him," assented Mary B. "He's got a fine hoss an' buggy, an' a gol' watch an' chain, an' a big plantation, an' lots er hosses an' mules an' cows an' hawgs. He raise' fifty bales er cotton las' year, an' he's be'n ter the legislatur'."

"Them hawgs sousin' yet?" shrilled Miss Sweeney. She and Miss Fink had climbed down from their high stools, and were preparing to leave. Henri nodded, drearily, and disappeared in the direction of the Pink Fountain Room. Miss Fink walked back to her own desk in the corner near the dining-room door. She took her hat off the hook, and stood regarding it, thoughtfully.

But the others well, when I found this whole world was hawgs and turkeys to them, with a little gunnin' afteh small game throwed in, I put on my hat one mawnin' and told 'em maybe when I was fifty I'd look in on 'em again to see if they'd got any new subjects. But they'll never. My brothers don't seem to want chances." "You have lost a good many yourself," said Molly. "That's correct."

She was above the average height of woman, with strong swell of bosom and glorious, erect carriage of head. Her features were coarse, but regular and pleasing, and her manner boyish. Elder Pill was on the best of terms with them as he watched the milk being skimmed out of the "submerged cans" ready for the "caaves and hawgs," as Mrs. Bacon called them.

That there fellow was the sweetest cuttin' man I ever did cut in all my life he was jest like a ripe pumpkin. Say, there was a man for you, was Jim you look some like him." She dipped snuff again vigorously. "You compliment me very much, Mrs. McGovern," I said. "Say," she responded, "I got two thousand head o' hawgs runnin' around in the timber down there in Pike."

"They said they were headed for Pike's Peak." "The old story," she said. "Huntin' f'r the place where the hawgs run around ready baked, with knives an' forks stuck in 'em. I wish to God I was with 'em!" Here she stopped for a while and sat with her hands twisted together in her lap. Finally, "Did they say anything about me, Jacob?" "I thought," said I, "that they talked as if you'd had a fuss."

Them lady friends might be the daughters of Ananias and Sapphira, for all they ever happened, but they answers the purpose of riling her same as if they were eating their three squares daily. I have hopes, everything else failing, that she may yet quit dancing and settle down to the sanctity of the home out of pure jealousy of them two proxy hawgs."

"Right yonder, over Little Niggerwool see 'em there?" "Oh, yes," the squire made answer. "Now I see 'em. They ain't doin' nothin', I reckin jest flyin' round same as they always do in clear weather." "Must be somethin' dead over there!" speculated the man in the buggy. "A hawg probably," said the squire promptly almost too promptly. "There's likely to be hawgs usin' in Niggerwool.

Hawgs is ignorant an' tharfore innocent; an' while hawgs can be what Doc Peets calls a' CASUS BELLI, they can't be regarded as a foe legitimate. "Now what Bill oughter done, if he feels like this yore hawg's done put it all over him, is to go an' lay for Olson. Sech action by Bill would have been some excessive, some high so to speak; but it would have been a line shot.