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The danger which we were about to incur was fully evident to the crowds which were assembled on the beach; not only the pilots, who stood there ready to assist us some with ropes with iron hooks at the end of them others all ready to dart into the surf to hold on the boat, or, if required, to link their arms together, so as to form a living chain which the undertow could not drag away with it; higher up, women and children, their clothes driven by the furious gale, with one hand holding on their caps, and with the other supporting themselves by the gunnels of the boats hauled up, the capstans, or perhaps an anchor with its fluke buried in the shingle, were looking on with dismay and with beating hearts, awaiting the result of the venturous attempt, and I soon discovered the form of Bessy, who was in advance of all the others.

Each leg has a crook at the end, which will grapple firmly wherever the least hold can be obtained. The anchor is let out and hauled in by machinery made on a principle resembling the machinery of the ship itself, but, of course, on a very much smaller scale.

What are you going to do with that fuse?" he added, as Ned drew on the line and hauled about half a foot of gas pipe from under the house. "It will do no harm to take it with me," Ned replied. "It is not very heavy to carry, and it may be of use." "I hope you'll blow that chap up with it," exclaimed Jimmie. "Be careful that you don't blow yourself up with it," warned Frank.

Finally he reached a milestone resting almost against the railings of the Manor Park. Drawing a deep breath, he sprang upon the milestone, succeeded in grasping the top of the high iron railings, and hauled himself up bodily. Praying that the turf might be soft, he jumped. Fit though he was, and hardened by physical exercise, the impact almost stunned him.

The missile was hoisted to the surface by cables attached to submarines, then hauled aboard the tender. Tom himself supervised the job of extracting the sealed data section. "You've done a tremendous job, Tom Swift, and our whole country will be proud of you!" Admiral Walter declared before sailing home. Tom grinned as he prepared to descend the ladder over the side.

Then Little Silver looked and saw them scatter. Some gathered shells and burned them to make lime. Others carried water and made mortar, which they thickened by a pulp made of paper, and a glue made by boiling fish skin. Some dived under the sea for red coral, which they hauled up by means of straw ropes, in great sprigs as thick as the branches of a tree.

Neb, in a word, had managed to get on board the ship before she hauled out into the stream, and lay concealed among the water-casks, his pockets crammed with ginger-bread and apples, until discovered by the cook, in one of his journeys in quest of water.

"Why, I'd 'most forgotten that," said Peter to himself. "He was looking up there to see if he could find where that there spear's sticking in the roof, and," he added, with a chuckle, "it ain't sticking there a bit. I suppose he's afraid of being hauled over the coals by his sergeant for losing his weapon. Sarve him right! The beast! Why, he might have sent it right through me."

Previous to this Captain Drake had ordered all the booty, and a considerable portion of the stores of both ships, to be hauled on shore; so that they might lose nothing of value to them. The next morning, Ned and his friends were sitting on the bulwark of the vessel, watching the fish playing about in the depths of the clear blue water. "We seem to be lower in the water than usual," Ned said.

He wants to do something irregular; anything that is slightly in breach of the regulations something that will get him hauled up before the O.C. and the pap." "You're a wonderful guesser," laughed Joyce. "Well, I'll admit that I'm simply restless, and that anything that will stir my blood and my liver will fill the bill.