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When he sailed from Bruges against Edward, 'the fort of Hastings opened to his coming with a shout from its armed men.

For instance, our servants have relatives living in Cooper Street, where there's a pest of consumption." Old Hastings nodded. "That's part of Davy Hull's reform programme," said he. "And I'm in favor of it. The city government ought to make them people clean up." "Victor Dorn wants that done, too doesn't he?" said Jane. "No," replied the old man sourly.

But Jack and Lord Hastings wasted no time in considering the merits of the encounter. Each sprang forward and bent above the lad. Lord Hastings raised the boy's head to his knee. "Water," he said to Jack. The latter hastened to get it, and after a few drops had been sprinkled over his face, Frank opened his eyes. He glanced up curiously at Lord Hastings. "What's the matter?" he asked.

"Jack, my boy," muttered Jacob Farnum, looking up from a batch of morning newspapers in the cabin of the "Hastings," "You've been the means of stirring up a bigger hurricane than ever raged at sea." "Are you sorry?" asked the young submarine captain, coolly. "Well, considering my private opinion of Mr.

Hastings could reply, Dora, wishing to redeem her character, which she was sure she had lost by having been caught with her feet in the brook, darted forward and opening the gate, held it for them to pass. "Shall I give her some money?" softly whispered Ella, feeling for her purse. "Hush-sh!" answered Mr.

"Hearken, my Lord Hastings, hearken!" said Alwyn, repressing his resentment, and in a voice so earnest that it riveted the entire attention of the listener "hearken, and judge not as noble judges craftsman, but as man should judge man. As the saw saith, 'We all lie alike in our graves. From the first moment I saw this Sibyll Warner I loved her. Yes; smile disdainfully, but listen still.

Hastings. Thus she endeavors to conceal the lac of rupees paid to Mr. Hastings. In order to make this transaction, which, though not in itself intricate, is in some degree made so by Mr.

"Pri'thee," said De la Roche, drawing aside the curtain of his tent, and putting forth his head "pri'thee, my Lord Hastings, deign to instruct my ignorance of a court which I would fain know well, and let me weet whether the splendour of your king, far exceeding what I was taught to look for, is derived from his revenue as sovereign of England, or chief of the House of York?"

"You can keep the wheat if you're not satisfied, but when you try the other plan the margin that may vanish at any moment is the danger. I suppose Gregory has still been selling the Range wheat, Winifred?" "I believe we have sent on every bushel." Sproatly exchanged a significant glance with Hastings, whose face once more grew thoughtful.

British, Russian, French and Japanese warships in the East have been trying for weeks to put an end to her, but without success." "But," Frank broke in, "how has she been able to keep to sea month after month without replenishing her coal supply?" "That," said Lord Hastings, "is a mystery that is as yet unsolved.