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"Thank you," returned Harold, "but I have some rather urgent calls to make and hope to get mother to accompany me. I know of no one else who can say such comforting things to the sick and depressed." "Nor do I," responded Mrs. Conly.

From smile and jest, the King turned and asked for wine. Harold, starting, advanced with the goblet; as he did so, he stumbled with one foot, but lightly recovered himself with the other; and Tostig laughed scornfully at Harold's awkwardness.

Harold took the lovely, rebellious face in both her hands, pressed her lips to the frowning forehead, and said gently: "Honey, smoothe them out, please, and, remember that what I am about to say to you is said because Peggy's and Polly's friends are mine and I love them. Yes, and wish them to learn to love me if possible.

At which her father turned upon her with newly-raised suspicion. Why had she not mentioned the fact before? But something in Mrs. Driver's face deterred him. A woman in these matters sees how the land lies, while the cleverest man is still unable to distinguish it from the clouds upon the horizon-line. "We are pleased to know you, Harold," said Mrs. Driver, a gentle, soft-voiced motherly person.

Harold into his pet Morris chair and towering above him, his genial laugh filling the room. It was the Sunday afternoon following graduation. Many, indeed the greater portion of the graduates, had left for their homes, or to pay visits to friends before joining their ships at the end of their month's leave, though some still lingered, their plans as yet unformed.

Then they took their places in the canoe again and paddled on for nearly a mile. "See, Harold!" Nelly exclaimed as she got a glimpse through the boughs into the lake, "there is another canoe. They must have got the Braithwaite boat. We passed their place coming here, you know. I wonder what has happened there." "What do you think is best to do, Nelly?" Harold asked.

King, her sensible face lighting up rather drolly; 'there's Harold always laughing at him for being so innocent, and yet so clever at his book. 'So much the better for him, said Mr. Cope. 'The Son of Sirach never said a wiser word than that "the knowledge of wickedness is not wisdom." Why, Mrs. King, what have I said? you look as if you had a great mind to laugh at me.

The jewels had been identified by his father and by himself, although an identification was scarcely necessary as Harold had distinctly said: 'They are the Tracy diamonds, and the person who gave them, to me said so. But who was the person? That was the question puzzling the heads of all the Shannondale people as the morning wore on, and each went where he liked.

"It might be best to separate myself from him altogether and go back." On this, Eustace cried out with horror and dismay, and Harold answered, "Never fear, old chap; I'm not going yet. Not till I have seen you in good hands." "And you'll accept the invitation," said Eustace, taking up one of the coroneted notes that invited us each for two nights to the castle. "Very well."

Jerrie looked at him wonderingly, but made no reply, and he went on: 'Yes, do you know what you have done? you, a poor, unknown girl, who, but for the Tracys, would have gone to the poor-house sure as guns, where you orter have gone! Yes, you orter. You refuse my Bill! you, who hain't a cent to your name; and all for that sneak of a Harold, who will swear agin me to-morrer.