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Though I could wish your stay, my duty bidds me Expect the enjoying of my happines Till your returne from France. Your blessing. Eleo. How ever heaven dispose of Eleonora, Pray write me in your thoughts your humblest daughter, That shall make it a part of her devotions To pray for you. Fer. Well, sir, since your designe Pulls you away, may your good Angell guard you. Ten.

Nay, in this theres no danger; if there be A real happines on earth, this way You shall arrive to it. Tho. He were unwise Would he not graunt it then. Thu. Please you declare it. Cla.

I have a wiffe, my lords, and wretched children, Unles it please his Grace to looke upon 'em And your good honours with your eies of favour. 'Twill be a litle happines in my death That they partake not with their fathers ruyns. 1 Lord. Let not that troble ye: they shall not find it. Bar.

But they are deceived; seeing that of all the pleasures we know, the pursute of them is pleasant. The enterprise is perceived by the qualitie of the thing, which it hath regard unto: for it is a good portion of the effect, and consubstantiall. That happines and felicitie, which shineth in vertue, replenisheth her approaches and appurtenances, even unto, the first entrance and utmost barre.

And those which inhabite it being so base, what shall be the issue of such happines, if their memorie doe not represent vnto them some aduersitie that may betide them, according to the order of fortune?

Those fyery Speritts next that hatchd in England That bloody Powder-Plot, and thought like meteors To have flashd their Cuntryes peace out in a Moment: Were not their Barrells loden with Religion? Were not they pious, iust and zealous Subiects? Humble your soule for shame, and seeke not now, Sir, To tumble from that happines even Angells Were throwne from for their pride. Confes, and dye well.

I would give my fower marks a yeare that I could talke like that mad gentleman. Hee's here and there and everywhere. Fra. Although I mist a happines, I applaud Your nimble wit that securd both our honours. You have an excellent Instrument too o' your gentlewoman. La. Oh she deliver'd to the life how you Were troubled with the Stone.

"And he and his wife and six children shall dailie praie for your Worship's health and happines! "And shee shall accordinge to her bounden duetie pray for your good Worship in health and happinesse longe to continewe! "And both your said supliants and their children shal be bound dailie to praie for your Worship's health and happines with increase of honour!"

And although for diuers considerations I doe not in this treatis discouer my full knowledge for the place and altitude of this passage, yet whensoeuer it shall so please your honours to commaund I will in few wordes make the full certainty thereof knowne vnto your honours being alwaies redie with my person and poore habilitie to prosecute this action as your honours shall direct, beseeching God so to support you with all happines of this life, fauour of her Maiestie, loue of her highnes subiectes, and increase of honour as may be to your best content.

Why, Madam, tis on honourable tearmes, Since not upon the first attempt but after A tedious seige in to your faire love you give up What shall enrich us both. It were a sinne To feare you can retract what both our lipps Have seal'd, and loose a happines so neare And so secure.