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It was shiny, slightly discoloured, suddenly clammy to the neck. What if he did happen to be well equipped for science teaching? That was nothing. He speculated on the cost of a complete outfit. It would be difficult to get such grey trousers as those he had seen for less than sixteen shillings, and he reckoned a frock coat at forty shillings at least possibly even more.

I cannot promise blindly." He said: "I want you to promise me that if anything ever should happen any difficulty trouble anything to put you in the position of needing care or help or sympathy " But she broke in upon him with a swift alarm, crying: "What do you mean? You're trying to hint at something that I don't know. What difficulty or trouble could happen to me?

'No, she said. 'And give Hadrian my watch and chain, and a hundred pounds out of what's in the bank and help him if he ever wants helping. I haven't put his name in the will. 'Your watch and chain, and a hundred pounds yes. But you'll be here when he goes back to Canada, father. 'You never know what'll happen, said her father.

Very likely he will; it's either all or nothing with him. 'I feel damned sorry for the Boss, I said. 'You'd be sorrier if you knew all, said Andy. 'It's the worst trouble that can happen to a man. It's like living with the dead. It's it's like a man living with his dead wife. When we went home supper was ready. We found Mrs Head, bright and cheerful, bustling round.

The old man, it must be confessed, isn't very good form; he smells rather of the distillery; but Ted Strangwyn might come of the best family in the land. Oh, you needn't have the least anxiety. Strangwyn will pay, principal and interest, as soon as the old man has retired; and that may happen any day, any hour. How glad I am to see you again, Will!

You see I axed Peggy the question last night; and it's all settled; and we're going to be married in less nor a week, ef nothing unforeseen don't happen; and as Mr. Reynolds ar a stranger in these diggins, I thought prehaps as how he'd like a little amusement like, and so I've fixed on him for my groomsman."

Now, since Jasper and Reddy had wanted exactly the same things to happen, and since they were now in the same fix, Jimmy Rabbit could talk to them both at the same time. What he said to one fitted the other just as well. Of course, that made it very easy for Jimmy Rabbit. But it was rather hard on Reddy Woodpecker and Jasper Jay.

When his idea of dramatic significance clashed with Ibsen's, strange things would happen. Mr. Bernard Shaw, though impressed by my son's work and the beauty that he brought on to the stage of the Imperial, wrote to me that the symbolism of the first act according to Ibsen should be Dawn, youth rising with the morning sun, reconciliation, rich gifts, brightness, lightness, pleasant feelings, peace.

THAT MOBOCRACY IS SUPREME in many parts of the Union is no longer a mooted question. It is a fact; and one that forebodes serious consequences, not only to the Negro but to any class of citizens who may happen to come into disfavor with some other class.

Gryce quieted himself, under the irritation of this annoyance, with the thought that in this world we do not always know just what is best for us; and that the few hours of rest thus forced upon him by the seemingly unfortunate break in his plans might prove in the end to be the best thing that could happen to him.