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He 'lowed ez he had knowed him many a year, an' fund him a sneakin', deceivin' critter." The blacksmith was erect in a moment, every fibre tense. "That ain't the wust," Ab gabbled on. "Old Bob say, though't ain't known ginerally, ez he air gin ter thievin'. Old Bob 'lowed ter them men, hangin' round the mill, ez he air the biggest thief on the mounting!" The strong man trembled.

I saw him make his spring an' swing around full sweep, hangin' on to the hoss's nose; but from that on the whole earth seemed to be shook loose. The boss keeled over like he was shot, the girl seemed to turn a somerset in the air, an' light all in a heap, with one arm hangin' over the edge of the cliff. We heard a shriek, a little smothered yelp, an' then we ran down to them.

These furs were duly stored aboard the Maid of the North, and by the first of May she had a cargo that could have been disposed of in Halifax or Montreal for several thousand dollars. It was at this time that the skipper suggested to the mate one evening, "Jack, les go caribou huntin' t'-morrer. I'm gettin' stiff hangin' 'round here."

He didn't say anythin'," Grandma continued, in a slightly lowered, insinuating tone of voice; "about likin' to come up and see ye, when ye was able to set up, and you know, teacher, as I don't believe in meddlin' in young folks' affairs; but it appeared to me, havin' had so much experience with the men folks as I have, that may be he was kind o' hangin' around waitin' for an invitation for ye see, they're goin' to sail now in a vary few days."

But it seems almost as if there was a kind of fate hangin' over me and that," she smiled faintly, "as if 'twas sort of catchin', as you might say. Everybody I ever cared for has had somethin' happen to 'em. My brother died; my the man I married went to the dogs; then you and Grace had to be miserable and I had to help make you so; I sent Nat away and he blamed me and " "No, no.

"And head under water," grunted Ikey. "Oi, oi!" "Aw, Ike would kick if you was hangin' him," scoffed Frenchy, "unless you tied his feet. We all got out of the water safe, and that's enough. The wind and the rain beat us so that we went up into the woods for shelter. And then we found a clearing and in it a cabin." "Ah-ha!" ejaculated Whistler. "Another cabin like this one?"

Dey've got de goods on Stace, too. He made a bum job of it." "Why didn't he get out of de country den when he had de chanst, instead of hangin' around here all afternoon?" demanded Jimmie Dale. "He was broke," the Runt answered. "We was gettin' de coin fer him ter fade away wid ter-night, an' " A revolver shot from above cut short his words.

Pickett said he wanted to 'git' you, an' that Masten wanted to get you out of the way because of what you'd done to him at Calamity. But I reckon that ain't the real reason; he's got some idea that you an' Ruth " "Shucks," said Randerson impatiently. "Anyway," grinned Uncle Jepson, "for some reason, he don't want you hangin' around.

He's broke loose. The chain by golly, yuh went an' used that chain that was broke an' jest barely hangin' together! His horse ain't anywheres around, either. You fellers make me sick. Lollin' around here an' not paying no attention, by golly he's liable to be ten mile from here by this time!"

"What was the row about?" questioned Dick. "All about some fruit, sir. We had a tree hangin' over Fox's fence finest pear tree on the place, that was. Fox strips the tree at night, sir saw him with my own eyes." "Oh, what cheek!" burst out Sam. "What did uncle do?" "Tried to talk to him, and Fox told him to mind his own business, that he could have what fruit hung over his fence.