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Elsie pulled her chair up close to the bedside. "Arabella, dear," she said earnestly, "what is the matter with you?" "I I guess it's jist that cold I caught, hangin' on. Susan says it is." "Dr. Allen doesn't think so. He says he doesn't know what is making you ill, and Susan doesn't know, and I don't know. But you do, Arabella, and, oh, I wish you'd tell me!"

Dave was still hangin' round Mrs Hardwick's an' doin' odd jobs for her.

There was considerable freight to be hauled, besides Carley's luggage, but evidently she was the only passenger. "Reckon it's goin' to be a bad day," said the driver. "These April days high up on the desert are windy an' cold. Mebbe it'll snow, too. Them clouds hangin' around the peaks ain't very promisin'. Now, miss, haven't you a heavier coat or somethin'?" "No, I have not," replied Carley.

So many ounces of dust, so many in nuggets, so much in bills and coin, gold and silver. Each item was a stab. "Yes, all that all that!" she jumped up wildly, "and it's gone! But we got to find it. What you hangin' round here for? Why, if you boys had any natchral spunk you'd have the thief strung up by now." "We got to find him fust." "You won't find him standin' here." They conferred afresh.

Thet was Lassiter's way. "An' Lassiter spoke, en' if I ever forgit his words I'll never forgit the sound of his voice. "'Proselyter, I reckon you'd better call quick on thet God who reveals Hisself to you on earth, because He won't be visitin' the place you're goin' to!" "An' then I seen Dyer look at his big, hangin' hands thet wasn't big enough fer the last work he set them to.

She looked at him with an indulgent sadness, and then at me. "Laws, Ma'am, HE don't know nothin' about it HE don't. Why, I've seen them poor critters, beat an' 'bused an' hunted, brought in all torn, ears hangin' all in rags, where the dogs been a'bitin' of 'em!" This set off our little African Puck into another giggle, in which he seemed perfectly convulsed.

Bradley had seen the thing in fancy many times before, but never in such grim actuality as now. He strained his sight to make sure. There was no doubt. The thing was actually there there, there, great God! there! "Gentlemen, friends, neighbors" he remembered the very words that had escaped the lips now grinning at him "you are hangin' the wrong man. I'm innocent. In the name of God, spare me.

"By heaven! it is Lincoln's voice!" "Yer cussed whelp! ye'd see the cap'n hung, would yer? a man that's good vally for the full of a pararer of green-gutted greasers; but I ain't a-gwine to let you look at his hangin'. If yer don't show me which of these hyur pigeon-holes is his'n, an' help me to get him outer it, I'll skin yer like a mink!"

'N' if some them bucks don't go off 'n' mind their own business, I'll likely fight a few morel You shoo 'em outa camp, Luck, 'n' start 'em about their own dang business. 'N' we'll eat a bite 'n' git on about our own. If we show up any grub whilst this bunch is hangin' around we'll have t' feed 'em 'n' you know dang well we ain't got enough skurcely fer the Jemes trip as it is."

Teacheh allers seemed diff'rent; ev'ry once in a while, one of us would see him walkin' on the edge of a cliff, or fin' him dizzily hangin' on to somethin' for fear o' fallin'." "How long did that go on?" queried Hamilton. "'Bout a month, I reckon. An' Teacheh was in trouble more'n more all the time, because folks wouldn' have him boardin' 'roun', same's he'd allers done." "Why not?"