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"But ought we not to go and look after him?" asked her brother. "Take me home! take me home!" was all her cry, and the horses were soon brought and mounted; while the vast crowd melted gradually away, subdued, and exchanging half-whispered words of surprise and dismay. Sadly and slowly did the brother and sister make their way home to Flixworth Manor, neither venturing a word for some miles.

These "implements" were of a heterogeneous character, but all would come in use in the evening. A number of boys watched their transfer with mingled awe and curiosity. "What's them?" Harry heard one ask another, in a half-whispered tone. "Those," said the professor, in an impressive tone, turning toward the boys. "Those are paraphernalia!" The boys looked more awestruck than ever.

Then, with a half-whispered hint that for one, Francia Bigio was dying to get the commission for nothing, the wily Frate went his way victorious.

Where, firing their clumsy old muskets and increasing the noise by their savage yells of defiance all round the cantonments, the Malays had been tearing about and rushing from tree to tree, peace now reigned, while the snapping and crackling of the burning wood, the deep-toned, half-whispered orders of the officers, and the talking of the men seemed to sound unnaturally loud.

Once she had overheard some half-whispered conversation between her stepmother and a Catholic friend, from which she had vaguely understood that the "Blessed Sacrament" was kept in the Catholic churches, was always there, and that the faithful "visited" it that these "visits" were indeed specially recommended as a means to holiness.

'How beautiful! said Glaucus, in a half-whispered tone, 'is that expression by which we call Earth our Mother!

The soft fall of their feet; for they were treading lightly now, succeeded, and at last they came into view, shadowy at first, then sharply outlined as they approached the light. A moment they stood in half-whispered conversation, their voices a mere boom of sound in which no word was to be distinguished.

She put the candy under her left arm, said a hasty, half-whispered Thank-you to him, went to the next high-backed chair, curtsied, bobbed the ribbon-bow and put out a hand. A pat on the head was dismissal: There was no need to wait for an answer to her question concerning her sweet tooth. Experience had taught her that whenever mirth greeted an inquiry, that inquiry was ignored.

When the laughter had subsided, Rasba said: "The reason I was asking, as I came by the River Forks I found a little red boat there with a man on the cabin floor shot through " "Dead?" Nelia gasped. "No, just kind of pricked up a bit, into one shoulder. He said a lady shot him because he 'lowed to land into the same eddy with her." "But where ?" Nelia half-whispered. "Where did he go?"

The whole room was full of the tickling noise of half-whispered conversation. Presently the music stopped. Instantly the tickling noise stopped too. There was languid applause the applause of smart people on a summer afternoon from beyond the screen. Then the grave girl reappeared, looking graver and hot.