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He walked a few paces backward from the spot where his brother had fallen, in a half-sitting, half-crouching attitude, and where he remained, hugging himself in his rags, too abject to be acutely conscious of his degradation.

Why, you're only a cheap four-flush damned, bull-headed RUSTLER!" Duane hissed the last word. Then for him there was the truth in Lawson's working passion-blackened face. Lawson jerked, moved, meant to draw. But how slow! Duane lunged forward. His long arm swept up. And Lawson staggered backward, knocking table and chairs, to fall hard, in a half-sitting posture against the wall.

The sleep had lasted for an eon, he thought. He had a sense of the passage of an enormous span of time when he at last awoke. His vision was fuzzy, but there was no mistaking the image before him. Alice. His Alice safe. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, smiling down at him. He fought his way up to a half-sitting position. "Alice!" He wept. Afterwards, he said, "Where are we? What happened?

Ah! there lies a gallant fellow underneath that fruit-tree! Raphael walked up to a ring of dead, in the midst of which lay, half-sitting against the trunk of the tree, a tall and noble officer in the first bloom of manhood.

Overhead I heard movements and clanking chains and shuffling feet. Our ship was leaving, and she was still on board with me. "Go out of that window now, instantly, or I shall put you out." "You will not, Treevor," beginning to cry; "you won't be so unkind. I only want to stay with you; let me stay." She was half-sitting on the edge of my berth, clinging to it with both hands.

"Too lovely to find expression even in poetry," said Cicely, complacently. "No no! not that! Not that!" And Adderley gave a kind of serpentine writhe on the grass as he raised himself to a half-sitting posture "Gentle Goblin, do not mistake me! When I say that Miss Vancourt is unwritable, I would fain point out that she is above and beyond the reach of my Muse. I cannot 'experience' her!

"Wait a minute, porridge-pot," cried Muroc. "The best man here should raise the glass first and say the votre sante. 'Tis M'sieu' Medallion should speak and sip now." Medallion was half-sitting on the window-sill, abstractedly listening.

Paul could only wait beside her tongue-tied, half-sitting on the edge of the writing-table, wondering what dear, unfathomable impulse had led her to admit him to the sanctuary of her sorrow; realising, so far as a masculine brain can realise, something of the struggle involved in woman's twofold responsibility to the man, and to the gift of the man.

The choirs of the three town churches, and many of the choral society people, filled the gallery some eighty voices perhaps. The Veni Creator the only part that was not good, well sung, but too much like an anthem. 'Tagalana, half-sitting, half-kneeling behind me, held the book for the Primate to read from at the Imposition of Hands a striking group, I am told.

Supposing the dusky foe was coming for him, Captain Shirril rose to a half-sitting position, and held his revolver ready. He meant to wait until his enemy was so near that there could be no possibility of missing him. Before that point was reached, the Comanche would have to pass directly by the open scuttle.