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I can cook, I can sew, and I'm quite cheerful and kind. Then there's George little George. I thought you'd like to have your grandson here with you." "I've lived without him or his father for eight years, an' I could bear it a while yet, mebbe." There was a half-choking sound from the old woman in the rocking-chair, but she did not speak, though her knitting dropped into her lap.

He was very, very tired, but was struggling along with an unconquerable spirit. I gave him a little bit of chocolate I had; but he wouldn't stop to eat it. "I can't stop. If I does, I shall never get there." So he chewed it, half-choking, as he stumbled along. I went a few paces after him.

And, let me add, that when a man's heart is set upon a point, and any thing occurs to beat him off, he will find it very difficult, when the suspending reason ceases, to forbear resuming it. All hands at work in preparation for London. What makes my heart beat so strong? Why rises it to my throat in such half-choking flutters, when I think of what this removal may do for me?

Dick uttered a hoarse cry and staggered out of the room, for the man's hypocrisy maddened him, and he knew that if he stayed he should speak out and say all he knew. As he reached the little garden there was a step behind him, a hand was laid upon his shoulder, another grasped his arm. "I can't talk and say things, Dicky," said Tom in a low half-choking voice; "but I want to comfort you.

She put her roses into an old blue bowl and went over to him, and he sat down in one of the big chairs by the window and drew her to his knee. Then they fell into a caressing habit of theirs, he with both arms about her body, she with both arms about his neck, half-choking him with tenderness, rumpling his thick hair with the tip of her chin. She looked as much mother as child like that.

The old man lay considering his son with a pondering glance, "Are you happy, too, now?" he asked. "It seems to me as though there is something about your marriage that ought not to be." "Yes, father, it's quite all right," Pelle replied in a half-choking voice. "Well, God be thanked for that! You've got a good wife in Ellen, and she has given you splendid children. How is Young Lasse?

I laid the firelock carefully down upon the ground, and whipping out of my pocket a handful of oakum and some marline, stuffed it and a thowl-pin into the fellow's mouth, effectually gagging him, and, I fear, half-choking him at the same time.

A cloud of dust bellowed toward them, half-choking them with its gritty fineness, and then, in a minute, the air had cleared. They went cautiously forward. "Well, we got some farther, anyhow, unless she comes down while we're working through. We've got a hole to crawl into, and that's something," the big miner asserted.

Who's been scandalisin' me to you?" He turned, half-choking, and shook a minatory finger at Cai. "I I didn' say I had any objection to fightin'-men, not when they're quiet," Mrs Bosenna made haste to observe in a pacificatory tone. In fact she was growing nervous, and felt that she had driven her revenge far enough. "My late husband was very fond of the the ring in his young days."

Gribble a few days afterwards. Half-choking with wrath and astonishment, he stood over his trembling wife with the first draper's bill he had ever received. "One pound two shillings and threepence three-farthings!" he recited. "It must be a mistake. It must be for somebody else." Mrs. Gribble, with her hand to her heart, tottered to the sofa and lay there with her eyes closed.