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I could not account for them. Inside my cabin the partitions deviated from the vertical in such a way as to make one believe that the Halbrane had fallen over on her beam ends. Almost immediately, I was thrown out of my bunk and barely escaped splitting my skull against the corner of the table.

The captain treated my companions as though they had been his own countrymen. The Tasman had come from the Falkland Islands where the captain had learned that seven months previously the American schooner Halbrane had gone to the southern seas in search of the shipwrecked people of the Jane.

When Captain Len Guy told his brother of the finding of the body of Patterson, and how it was owing to the notes in his pocket-book that the Halbrane had been enabled to proceed towards the antarctic seas, William Guy hid his face in his hands and wept. Other misfortunes followed upon this one.

Then, with the instability of the winds in the Kerguelens, the weather became calm before I did. I opened my window, and at the same moment a sailor stepped into one of the boats of the Halbrane and laid hold of a pair of oars, while a second man seated himself in the back, but without taking the tiller ropes. The boat touched the landing, place and Captain Len Guy stepped on shore.

The boatswain then set to work on the former contents of the Halbrane, furniture, bedding, sails, clothing, instruments, and utensils. Stowed away in a cabin, these things would no longer be exposed to the knocking about and damage of the iceberg. The cases containing preserved food and the casks of spirits were rapidly carried ashore.

Provided that the east wind lasts, Mr. Jeorling. Don’t forget that in sailing along the icebergs to their eastern extremity, the Halbrane went out of her course, and she must be brought back towards the west.” “The breeze is for us, captain.” “And we shall profit by it, for my intention is to make for Bennet Islet.

And could it be wondered at were the sailors of the Halbrane to rebel, were they to listen to Hearne’s suggestions, and make their officers, or myself especially, responsible for the disasters of this expedition? Moreover, what was likely to take place, since, notwithstanding their losses, the followers of the sealing-master were still a majority of the ship’s company?

Nevertheless, thanks to the current, the Island of Tsalal was signalled at forty-five minutes past six in the evening. The anchor was cast, a watch was set, with loaded firearms within hand-reach, and boarding-nets ready. The Halbrane ran no risk of being surprised. Too eyes were watching on board especially those of Hunt, whose gaze never quitted the horizon of that southern zone for an instant.

Oh! not so far, I imagine, and if it is not a matter of going beyond the eighty-fourth parallel ” “Who can tell,” replied the boatswain, “at all events the Halbrane will make more degrees of latitude than any other ship before her.” “We shall see.” “And does that not alarm you, Mr. Jeorling?” “Not in the very least.” “Nor us, rest assured. No, no! You see, Mr.

The oblique rays from the sun did not succeed in piercing it, and the red disk could hardly be perceived through the opaque mass. However, we could distinguish each other at about twelve feet apart. As for the Halbrane, she looked like a confused blackish mass standing out sharply against the whiteness of the ice.