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His goodness of heart was known to all, and he was regarded as a general arbitrator among the sometimes restless population of Brennerstadt. His delight at seeing Burke was obvious; he hailed him with acclamations. "I've been meaning to ride over your way for ages," he declared, his rubicund face shining with geniality as he wrung his friend's hand hard.

But decidedly fortune was kind to him to-day: for, opening the creel, he found Sir Warwick's fly-book within it, bulging with hooks and flies by the score nay, by the hundred. He unbuckled the strap and was turning the leaves to make his choice, when his ear caught the sound of footsteps, and he lifted his eyes to see Sir John Crang coming down the road. "Hullo!" hailed Sir John.

We saw a small vessel in the harbour, which we subsequently learned was from the Basque provinces, come for a cargo of cider or sagadua, the beverage so dearly loved by the Basques. As we passed along the narrow street, Antonio was hailed with an "Ola" from a species of shop in which three men, apparently shoemakers, were seated.

But, by way of return, I thank you for the service you have unwittingly done me." The way was open: Vinson rapidly descended, gained the street, hailed a cab. "To the Eastern Station!" "I have missed the express," he muttered; "but I shall catch the first train for those on leave."

Since Voltaire had hailed her as the "Northern Semiramis," no adulation was enough to translate their enthusiasm: the "charms of Cleopatra," for example, were united in her to "the soul of Brutus." La Harpe, Marmontel, Volney, Galiani, and many others fallen silent in these days were sharers in her bounty.

They were instantly seized by Okiok and Angut, and dragged violently out not much too soon, for only a few seconds after they were rescued the ice closed with a grinding crash, that served to increase the fervency of the "Thank God!" with which the seaman hailed their deliverance. The child was not quite insensible, though nearly so.

"Lookout-man!" hailed the commodore after a bit, "how does the boat bear now?" "Dead on the weather bow, sir," returned the man the next instant. "We're about a couple o' mile off her, sir." The commodore then addressed the quarter-master aft. "Luff up!" he cried "half a point will do; and, Mr Osborne, take a pull at your lee braces. That will do steady!"

Hawkins explained that as bats and owls and rats come out only when the sun has disappeared, so there are other things that can be seen best by night. And as he did not go on until the next day at one, he proposed that we should go down to The Cheshire Cheese and get a bite of summat and then sally forth. So we hailed a bus and climbed to the top.

While London society might be entertained by the degenerate poetry of Rochester and the dramas of Dryden and Wycherley, English scholars hailed Milton with delight; and the common people followed Bunyan and Baxter with their tremendous appeal to righteousness and liberty.

I think I had the luck to be present at every sudden seizure during all the passage; and on this occasion found myself in the place of importance, supporting the sufferer. There was not only a large crowd immediately around us, but a considerable knot of saloon passengers leaning over our heads from the hurricane-deck. One of these, an elderly managing woman, hailed me with counsels.