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"By de soul of my fader, but it all for true, Massa Easy he larrup um, sure enough all for noting, bad luck to him I tink," continued Mesty, "he hab debelish bad memory and he want a little more of Equality Jack." "And he shall have it too," replied our hero; "why it's against the articles of war, 'all quarrelling, fighting, &c. I say, Mr Gossett, have you got the spirit of a louse?"

My orders was to look in at dat little winder ebery five minutes, and dat when it began to get dark me was to tie him quite tight, and me hab done so. And one of de sentries goes in every five minutes and feels to see if de ropes are tight. He am dar, sure enough." "Dat's quite right, Sergeant Newson.

Den I jes swore rite up, Miss rite into dat Masr's face an' eyes 'I'm neber gwine to hab no more chilun, an' he says to me, 'Matt, you got to do jes as I say, an' I swear agin, an' he cuss and swear, an' then, I got sich a floggin' Miss, but I didn't keer, an' I would never done as dat man sed, an' I 'spected to die, but a New Orleans trader cum dat way, an' I was sold, and Mas'r Sumner said, de las' thing, 'You'll get killed now, Matt. 'All right, Mas'r, I sed, 'de Lord is a waitin' an' He's a good fren, too, an' off I went.

Ole Aun' Nancy, de plantation nuss down at de qua'ters, useter take keer er little Mose in de daytime, en atter de niggers come in fum de cotton-fiel' Becky 'ud git her chile en kiss 'im en nuss 'im, en keep 'im 'tel mawnin'; en on Sundays she 'd hab 'im in her cabin wid her all day long.

Dat ar young miss done bring dat cat home ter hab in her room fo' a pet. How happen her to gib it up ter Judy?" "Nonsense, Judy. She knows, as all the pupils know, that it is a fixed rule at Glenmore, that no pupil can have a pet in her room." "All de same, Miss Patrichy meant dat cat ter be up in her room, long o' dat ar Carbale gal." Judy never could get Arabella's name correctly.

"'Cause you're black and don't need no clothing," said Hockins, awkwardly attempting to put the lamba on his broad shoulders. "Humph! if she knowed what splendid lobscouse an' plum duff I kin make," returned the negro, "Ranny Valony would hab sent me a silk lamba an' made me her chief cook. Hows'ever, dere's a good time comin'. I s'pose I ain't to go to the party?" "Yis you muss go.

"Can it be that we are to be taken to Mogador, after all? If so, there is hope for us yet." "But Bo Muzem could find no one there who would pay the money for our ransom," interposed Colin. "He nebba go thar," said the Krooman. "He nebba hab de time." "I believe the Krooman is right," said Harry.

So we'll let her go down dere an' stay till cotton-pickin' time; I'll jes' len' 'er ter 'em till den. Ef dey wants ter keep 'er en' we finds we doan need 'er, den we'll talk furder 'bout sellin' 'er. We'll tell her dat we jes' gwine let her go down dere wid de chil'en a week er so en' den come back, en' den we won't hab no fuss 'bout it.

I accep's your 'polergy, sah, mos' gratefully, and will say no more 'bout it. But it not pleasant, sah, for to be called `black willain' after I hab take de trouble to do all dat" waving his hand toward the table "for de pleasure and satisfaction ob "

"Dey led me away about fifty yards, tie me to tree, and den they leave me, and dey all drink and make merry, nebber offer me anything, so, I hab noting den to eat; I eat de ropes and gnaw them through and den I stay there two hour until all go asleep, and all quiet; for I say to myself, stop a little.