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"Is that here at Plymouth?" "H'assuredly, sir. H'and h'only a minute's walk h'over to that shed yonder, sir. H'if you'll come with me, young gentlemen, h'I'll show h'it to you. H'it's one of h'our biggest sights, h'and it's in me own custody, at present. Come this way, young gentlemen." "That sounds like something worth seeing," declared Dave to his comrades. "Come along.

'E's Lord D'Lisle and Dudley, of Penshurst Place h'in Kent, 'im as is descended direct from the Lady Mary, sister of Robert Dudley, 'o married Sir 'Enry Sidney. H'its 'e 'o appoints the master h'over us this very day. But as I was saying, it was 'ere that 'is Majesty King James was right royally h'entertained." "Yes," broke in John, interrupting the rapid flow of expressionless words.

"She wrote such delightful stories," explained Katy; but the old verger shook his head. "I think h'it must be some other party, Miss, you've confused with this here. It stands to reason, Miss, that we'd have heard of 'em h'over 'ere in England sooner than you would h'over there in h'America, if the books 'ad been h'anything so h'extraordinary."

"Tell me," Jarvis whispered, "do my h'old h'eyes deceive me, or h'is there a line of dark h'over t' th' right of y'?" His hand trembled as he pointed. Dave looked long and earnestly. The moon shone very brightly. The snow brought out dark objects with such vividness that it would not be too much to expect to see large objects twenty miles away. "I think your eyes are all right," he said slowly.