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"Now, while we were there, a summons to a Thing went through the country, and when the Thing was assembled, a queen called Gyda came to it. She was a sister of Olaf Quarram, who was King of Dublin. Gyda was very wealthy, and her husband had died that year. In the territory there was a man called Alfin, who was a great champion and single-combat man.

They followed her question with a swift glance, but then Miss Kennedy hastily took the matter into her own hands. 'Not generally! she answered, the lips parting and curling in sweet mirthful lines that at least did not speak of very deep wrong-doing. Most gentlemen probably would have uttered a protest, but Rollo was absolutely silent. Gyda looked from one to the other.

Gyda answered his embassy and prayer in a distant, lofty manner: "Her it would not beseem to wed any Jarl or poor creature of that kind; let him do as Gorm of Denmark, Eric of Sweden, Egbert of England, and others had done, subdue into peace and regulation the confused, contentious bits of jarls round him, and become a king; then, perhaps, she might think of his proposal: till then, not."

What is wanting, my child? said Gyda. 'Come seeking medicine for the mind or body? said Rollo. But after a second glance he rose up, went to the girl and offered a chair. She looked at him without seeming to know his meaning. 'Speak Deutsch, Olaf, said Gyda; 'and ye'll get better hearing. She can't speak yon. A few words in German made a change.

And when they entered the court, Torfrida stood ready. "Is this your lady?" asked Gyda, as Hereward lifted her from her horse. "I am his lady, and your servant," said Torfrida, bowing. "Child! child! Bow not to me. Talk not of servants to a wretched slave, who only longs to crawl into some hole and die, forgetting all she was and all she had."

Fierce and long was the fight, but Norse blood and valor conquered and Gyda was enraptured with the courage and skill of her spouse. They were duly wedded and Olaf spent several years in England and Ireland, winning fame there as a doughty champion and growing ever more earnest in the Christian faith.

But Gyda wished to marry a king who ruled over a whole country, rather than one who owned but a small part of Norway, and this was the message she sent back to Harald: "Tell Harald," said the maiden, "that I will agree to be his wife if he will first, for my sake, subdue all Norway to himself, for only thus methinks can he be called the king of a people."

Now when she came to where we were standing, she passed most of us by with a glance; but when she passed me, I noticed that she turned half round and gave me another look, which I have always held was a proof of her good judgment. However, Gyda passed on, and when she came to King Gundalf she stopped, looked at him straight in the face, and asked what sort of a man he was.

When he became old enough to marry, he sent his men to a girl named Gyda, a daughter of King Erik of Hordaland, who was brought up a foster-child in the house of a rich Bonde in Valders. Harald had heard of her as a very beautiful though proud girl.

I should like to have the whole, if possible, before I get home which seems likely to be about breakfast time. 'Reo is driving as fast as he ought to drive, such a night. What do you mean by "what comes next"? 'You said, I thought, you had several things to speak of. 'I remember. I was going to ask you to go to see Gyda sometimes.