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At the sight of this coarse plank, the lightning from heaven flashed before the eyes of Gutenberg. He looked at the plank, and, in his imagination, analyzed it, decomposed it, put it together again, changed it, divided it, readjusted it, reversed it, smeared it with ink, placed the parchment on it, and pressed it with a screw.

With blocks the printer could make copies of a book a great deal faster than a man could write them by hand. But the making of the blocks took a long time, and each block would print only one page. Gutenberg enjoyed reading the manuscripts and block books that his parents and their wealthy friends had; and he often said it was a pity that only rich people could own books.

Other witnesses proved the anxiety that Gutenberg had shown to have four pages of type distributed which appear to have been screwed up in chase, and lying on a press on the deceased's premises.

It was the terror and dazzled amazement of the men of the sanctuary, in the presence of the luminous press of Gutenberg. It was the pulpit and the manuscript taking the alarm at the printed word: something similar to the stupor of a sparrow which should behold the angel Legion unfold his six million wings.

The section Project Gutenberg PrePrints was set up in January 2006 to collect items submitted to Project Gutenberg which for some reason were interesting enough to be available online, but not quite ready yet to be added to the main Project Gutenberg collection, the reason being for example missing data, low-quality files, formats which were not handy, etc.

They are a thrifty lot those Germans they give me my fare and a penny more, just a single penny, and no matter how much I have talked and pointed out the wonderful sights, and imparted useful information, known to me alone only one penny extra think of it! Yes, printing was first done at Mayence by a German, Gutenberg, about sixty years ago.

Project Gutenberg promotes digitization intext format”, meaning that a book can be copied, indexed, searched, analyzed and compared with other books. Contrary to other formats, the files are accessible for low-bandwidth use. = In a Few Words If the print book is 5 centuries and a half old, the electronic book is only 37 years old.

The pages will then be filed, either on paper or electronically, so that the proof will be available in the future, to demonstrate if necessary that the book is in the public domain under the US law. Project Gutenberg doesn't release any book until the book's copyright status has been confirmed. What is entailed exactly, once copyright clearance is received?

Many minds were on the alert to apprehend it. We believe, for instance, that if Gutenberg had not invented movable types, somebody else would have given them to the world about that time. The invention of the electric telegraph seemed to burst upon the world simultaneously from many quarters not perfect, perhaps, but the time for the idea had come and happy was it for the man who entertained it.

There is nevertheless hope for some books published after 1923. Project Gutenberg tries to locate these books. In April 2004, with the help of hundreds of volunteers at Distributed Proofreaders, all Copyright Renewal records were posted for books from 1950 through 1977.