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"I denk you gentlemens are hungry," said Herr Scheff, as he saw a chance to make a big profit. "Mein Gottness!" it was the voice of Frau Scheff, "mein kindlins, you are drowned, poor tings, come, fix you fine and gute. You go ahead and cook dem blenty," she commanded her husband as she saw a frown on his forehead. He knew that tone of voice and obeyed.

The fire in his veins seemed upleaping in a sublime jet; he was like to crying, 'Thy people shall be my people, but all he found himself saying was, 'You must not, you must not; what can a girl like you do? A bell rang sharply from the cabin. 'I must go to my mistress. Gute Nacht, mein Herr! His flame sank to sudden ashes. Only Mrs. Wilhammer's hireling!

Under ordinary circumstances they would have been in bed, but having arrived by the last train from Dantzic, and having supped on German fare, it had seemed to them discreeter to remain awhile in talk. The house was strangely silent. The rotund landlord, leaving their candles ranged upon the sideboard, had wished them "Gute Nacht" an hour before.

His hands trembled, great tears trickled down his cheeks. He read on: Auf! Auf! gieb deinem Schmerze Und Sorgen gute Nacht! Lass fahren was das Herze Betruebt und traurig macht! Up! Up! and give thy sorrow And all thy cares good-night; And all that grieves and saddens Thy heart be put to flight.

It is better, is it not? All day you may rest and smoke!" Byrne led Harmony past the drunken Portier, who turned with caution and bowed after them. "Gute Nacht," he called. "Kuss die Hand, Fraulein. Four rooms and the salon and a bath of the finest." As they went up the Hirschengasse they could hear him pursuing his unsteady way down the street and singing lustily.

I caught sight of Monica, almost at the detective's elbow, talking to two very elegant-looking officers. I pushed my way across the vestibule, turned my back on the detective and stood impassively beside her. "Ah! there you are, Carter!" she said. "Gute Nacht, Herr Baron! Auf wiedersehen, Durchlaucht!" The two officers kissed her hand whilst I helped her into her wrap.

So the room was empty, save for the landlady and her sewing, the staid, elderly villager to whom she was talking in the unbeautiful dialect, and the young serving-woman who was clearing away the plates and basins of the tramps and beggars. Then the villager also went. 'Gute Nacht, Frau Seidl, to the landlady; 'Gute Nacht, at random, to me. So I looked at the newspaper.

He had not yet known the smell of the earth. He had come from his bier. "I was laid out a corpse," he whimpered. "My God, they would have buried me by to-morrow!" The professor gave him wine again. "I saw a light here," he went on. "I beg you will give me some clothes some soup, if you please and I am going back again." Then he said in German: "Meine gute, theure Frau! Meine Kinder!"

"Guten morgen! guten morgen! gute raise! leben sie wohl!" farewell; a pleasant journey! good morning he continued to repeat; and the sounds were to me as sweat as if they had been pronounced in my native tongue. I am passionately attached to my country, but I do not dislike any other nation.

With his black umbrella opened against the drive of the sun, he carried them at his leisure to the Baron, where he sat alone in his cool upper chamber working deliberately among his papers, received the customary ghost of a smile and the murmur, "Der gute Haase," and got away.