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The people who have taken it do not require it. They have established what is practically an armed camp. Also they have brought in a number of hard citizens what are known as 'gunmen' to overawe us. These patrol their ditch system, and warn us to keep away from it. It is guarded at every important point.

What such a character could be doing in the neighborhood I could not see. But he was so noticeably tough that I turned and looked. He kept his eyes averted as if afraid of being recognized. "Great Caesar," I muttered to myself, "that's a roughneck. This place is sure getting to be a hang-out for gunmen." I shrugged my shoulders and continued my walk. It was no business of mine.

The second of the gunmen was out of range of his vision. From the sound of creaking furniture Clay judged that the unseen man had sat down heavily. "It was that blowout queered us. And say how came the bulls so hot on our trail? Who rapped to 'em?" "Must 'a' been that boob wit' the goil. He got busy quick. Well, Jerry won't have to salve the cops this time.

At this point, our traveler rummages his Elks' button out of his trunk and gives it an affectionate polishing with a silk handkerchief. And oh, how he does long for a look at a home newspaper packed with wrecks and police news and municipal scandals and items about the persons one knows, and chatty mention concerning Congressmen and gunmen and tango teachers and other public characters.

"On his bunion foot, crippling him," resumed the detective, reassured. "The storm came up, and still the gunmen fled, and still Reginald Maltravers pursued. I suppose, since you saw them on the west side of the canal, Mr. Cleggett, that they had run around the north end of it.

While drifting about the country he had heard many tales of gunmen and border raids, and it was quite evident, even to his young mind, that the man who suffered attack by a gun was justified in returning the compliment in kind. And to this end he carefully arranged his cartridges on the floor, knelt and raised the window a few inches and cocked the old carbine.

Arranged in a large crescent, Sheik Jamma addressed his warriors in these words: "We are a strong and mighty people, unequalled in horsemanship and in the use of the club and the spear!" He was all-confident that the very sight of their gunmen would strike terror into every neighbouring tribe.

Holwell told us, had promised no harm should befall us. A guard of five hundred gunmen was set over us with matches lighted, and the sun being now nigh setting, men came with torches, though sure they were not needed, a great part of the factory being in flames, so that indeed we feared we should be suffocated.

"But don't think it will be a picnic," urged Webb. "We'll know we've been in a fight before we get through. With a crowd of gunmen like Mysterious Pete against us we'll have hard travelin'. I'd side-step this if I could, but I can't." A Stampede Clanton took his turn at night herding for the first time the day of Warren's visit to the camp.

These fellows were the gunmen of New York he had read about paid assassins whose business it was to frame innocent men for the penitentiary or kill them in cold blood. They were of the underworld, without conscience and without honor. As he looked at them through the keyhole, the watcher was reminded by their restless patience of mountain wolves lying in wait for their kill.