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Helena picked up her guitar and played soft melodies upon it, the others humming them under their breaths not to disturb the player, only Alfy presuming to fit real words to the music but not interfering with it. Suddenly Dorothy raised her eyes from the playing fountain, on which she had been dreamily gazing and thinking of lost Jim. A sound, faint, of horses' footfalls had entered her dream.

The dowagers sat against the wall, a coffee-coloured dado; the girls in white, the caballeros in black silk small-clothes, the officers in their uniforms, danced to the music of the flute and the guitar.

He had been attracted by the sweet voice of the fair Sara, who was singing a Neapolitan air to the guitar. I shone only with a borrowed light, but I was far from being offended. Buturlin fell in love with Sara on the spot, and a few months after I left he got her for five hundred Louis, which Goudar required to carry out the order he had received, namely, to leave Naples in three days.

Suddenly, soft and sweet on the clear night air he heard the notes of a guitar, then a tenor voice, well trained, rich and melodious. He well knew there was no officer in the garrison who could sing like that. Who was it? Where was it? Slipping through the back-yard and keeping close under the high board fence, Mr. Gleason tiptoed up the row until behind Truscott's.

"Certainly you give a most commonplace air to your explanation, but it is not the less true that you Ah, but what do I hear?" and Morcerf inclined his head towards the door, through which sounds seemed to issue resembling those of a guitar.

In fact, that we might not doubt him in this last particular, he took the guitar and sung a sonnet which he had composed to a certain Amaryllis.

"There is a piano on board, and we could have music and singing " "A piano! Oh, Tom!" cried Nellie. "How nice! It must be a regular little palace!" "I haven't seen the boat yet. Uncle Randolph said there was a piano on board." "And I've got a guitar," came from Songbird Powell. "With which he will sing to the moon on dark nights," came from Tom.

A sallow-faced young man, in his shirt-sleeves, was seated at a table littered with newspapers and magazines, engaged in the task of putting new strings on a battered guitar. As his visitor entered he looked up in surprise and laid down the instrument. "I want to see Colby, the lawyer," began Uncle John, regarding the disordered room with strong disapproval.

At last he managed to get on board of a Spanish vessel, and was never more heard of, but he left his guitar behind him. It was picked up on the shore, where he left it, probably, in his haste to get away.

"Something struck Arthur here, and like a fountain he gushed suddenly into poetry. He had a most wonderful vision of the Elysian fields and of himself wandering through them for a week, knee deep in flowers, and playing the softest of music on a guitar." "He's put that in about the guitar," protested St. Clair. "I never mentioned such a thing, but all the rest is true."