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We told father, and when Doctor Bewick came that evening to say good-by we consulted, and here in this newspaper you have the result, put into Italian journalese by Carlo Guerra, whom we called in to aid us. He likes you so much, Aurora; did you know it? He met you at Antonia's. So there you have the whole story. I'm bitterly ashamed of Charlie, my dear, and I'm sorry about him, too.

Thus Hariman or Ariman, German Guerre-man, is a soldier. For as Hari, Heer means army, so Wehr signifies arms, Wehren to fight, to make war, the word Guerre, Guerra coming doubtless from the same source.

You're just the same old Jim, a bit of a savage and just as primitive as ever." "Thank you, Moira," I said. "I didn't expect it from you, but now I know what to look for." "It is war then?" she said, with a little sparkle in her eyes. "War it is," I answered; "as the Spaniards say, 'Guerra al cuchillo." "Please translate," she requested. "I do not speak Spanish."

Three other expeditions left Spain almost at the same time as that of Hojeda. The first of these, consisting of but one vessel, sailed from Barra Saltez in June 1499. Pier Alonzo Nino, who had served under Columbus in his two last voyages, was its commander, and he was accompanied by Christoval Guerra, a merchant of Seville, who probably defrayed the expenses of the expedition.

"I'm ready," replied Ned, but nevertheless he looked at that Mexican saddle with doubtful eyes, as if he were thinking that it might possibly prove to be a place of trial for a beginner. At that very hour there were several gentlemen in uniform closeted with Colonel Guerra in one of the rooms of the Castle of San Juan de Ulua.

The first refusal did not daunt him; he returned to the charge a second time and yet a third, insisting upon the suitableness of such a union. At length Francesco, losing patience, told this obstinate lover that a reason existed why Beatrice could be neither his wife nor any other man's. Guerra demanded what this reason was. Francesco replied: "Because she is my mistress."

Latham, a young man from Massachusetts, much my junior; and met a member of the State Senate, a man who, as a carpenter, repaired my father's house at home some ten years before; and two more Senators from southern California, relics of another age, Don Andres Pico, from San Diego; and Don Pablo de la Guerra, whom I have mentioned as meeting at Santa Barbara.

Y con el dicho maestro Leon, y ciertos frailes hierónimos y otras personas enemigas, se concertó lo que habian de hacer, y repartieron entre si como en caso de guerra las partes por donde habian de acometer cada uno y lo que habia de decir, como vuestras mercedes podrán ser informados de fulano de Alarcon, colegial de Sanct Millan en Salamanca, que fué uno de los llamados, y él dirá de otros; y fray Gaspar de Uceda fraile y lector en Sanct Francisco de Salamanca sabe tambien mucho desto. Luis de Leon repeats the accusation of conspiracy in Documentos inéditos, vol.

To classical features he added blue eyes swimming in poetic sentiment; his hair was long and fair, with chestnut beard and eyebrows; add to these attractions a highly educated mind, natural eloquence expressed by a musical and penetrating voice, and the reader may form some idea of Monsignor the Abbe Guerra. No sooner had he seen Beatrice than he fell in love with her.

As Ripa's way lay in the same direction, they naturally started together; and after what appears to have been a very silent walk for the spirits of Giuseppe were so depressed that the other found it impossible to draw him into conversation they reached Forni, when, having rung the bell, they were presently answered by Antonio Guerra, who put his head out of an upper window to inquire who they were, and what they wanted.