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All which again made our hero unhappy. Sunday in Grosvenor Place Mr. Kennedy, though he was a most scrupulously attentive member of Parliament, was a man very punctual to hours and rules in his own house, and liked that his wife should be as punctual as himself.

"I think I'd better return to camp now," said Grosvenor. "We'll go with you," said Colden, speaking for the Pennsylvanians. "Stuart and I are detached for the present," said Cabell.

At the last moment it transpired that their black attendants, Mafuta, Jantje, and 'Nkuku were to be left behind on the mainland which arrangement also appeared to bear a certain sinister significance whereupon Grosvenor suggested the extreme importance of placing them in charge of the wagon and its remaining contents, part of which two cases of ammunition, to wit he explained, consisted of terribly powerful magic, any tampering with which by unauthorised persons must inevitably have the most appallingly disastrous results.

The play moved on towards its dramatic close and Robert was back in the world of passion and tragedy, of fancy and poetry. Van Zoon was forgotten, St. Luc faded quite away, and he was not conscious of the presence of Tayoga, or of Grosvenor, or of any of his friends. Shakespeare's Richard was wholly the humpbacked villain to him, and when he met his fate on Bosworth Field he rejoiced greatly.

She moved away, and played delightfully on the guitar until the guests rose to leave. Then she found an opportunity to tell Lord Reckage not to come back again. She was tired, she said, and her papa would think it too odd. "Then to-morrow morning," said he. She named an hour. Robert, on leaving the house, drove to Grosvenor Gate, where he had an appointment with Disraeli.

"It was I that created your phantom-lover, and now I annihilate him! Your dream is rudely broken. Awake, Sylph Etherege, awake to truth! I am the only Edgar Vaughan!" "We have gone too far, Edgar Vaughan," said Mrs. Grosvenor, catching Sylvia in her arms.

It was evident that he was weary through and through, but he tried to hold himself erect and he did not flinch when the sharp blades flashed close to his face. But Tayoga knew that his feelings had become blunted. Only the trained forest runner could keep steady in the face of such threats. When they came near the fire, one of the warriors gave Grosvenor a push, and he fell amid cruel laughter.

In love there is always one who loves the more, and Lady Bridget-Mary, that fine, enthusiastic, tempestuous creature, was far from realising that she was less to her Richard than he was to her. The reason was not farther to seek than a few doors off in London, when the Ladies Bawne occupied their sombre old corner-house in Grosvenor Square.

Chilcote in his weakness and his entanglement had turned to him; and he in his strength and capacity had responded to the appeal. His step was firm and his bearing assured as he turned into Grosvenor Square and walked towards the familiar house. The habit of self-deceit is as insidious and tenacious as any vice.

"Marry him to the girl Grosvenor while you're about it and that will dispose of him and suit her, for she strikes me as anxious for matrimony." "She hasn't been " I began. "Oh, no, I think she's a splendid woman in every way, but "