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Brénot, De l'influence de la copulation pendant la grosseisse, 1903. Bianchi terms this fairly common condition the neurasthenia of pregnancy. Vinay, Traité des Maladies de la Grossesse, 1894, pp. 51, 577; Mongeri, "Nervenkrankungen und Schwangerschaft." Allegemeine Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, bd. LVIII, Heft 5.

"Grossesse," Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des Sciences Médicales, p. 138. On the subject of violent, criminal and abnormal impulses during pregnancy, see Cumston, "Pregnancy and Crime," American Journal Obstetrics, December, 1903. In Germany the history of the question has been written by Dr.

A bibliography of the literature concerning the physiology of pregnancy, extending to ten pages, is appended by Pinard to his article "Grossesse," Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des Sciences Médicales. W.S.A. Griffith, "The Diagnosis of Pregnancy," British Medical Journal, April 11, 1903.

"La fausse honte qu'out les femmes de laisser voir leur grossesse et tout ce qui a rapport

In more modern times, Campbell and Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, who named it "Grossesse Pathologique," have carefully defined and classified the forms, and to-day every text-book on obstetrics gives a scientific discussion and classification of the different forms of extrauterine pregnancy.