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THE sombre tints of Grayhead were slightly suffused by a pink light sifting from the west through the clear air.

"Here you are, a grayhead at thirty-five, without a thing in life but that farm, and you heavens, Mac, don't you know that you are one of the greatest Greek scholars in the world? Don't you think you owe the world something? What are you giving? Nothing! You have suppressed even the knowledge of what you are from the people around you. You get a curt nod from the head of a little college.

"Oh, she may I suppose, though she should be at home helping me prepare the dinner. I suppose you have some secrets between you that an old grayhead can't hear," she grumbled good-naturedly. "Oh, yes a fine secret!" Lucia replied laughing, as she picked up the greatest share of the burden and led the way. Maria and her mother lived in an old stone house that had once been a palace.

The inhabitants of Grayhead were distinguished by the breadth and suggestiveness of their profanity, and Captain Pember had been a past master of the accomplishment. Praise from Sir Hubert Stanley could have been no more discriminating than the local acknowledgment of his proficiency in this line. No wonder Mrs. Pember looked back at the ten years of her married life with a shudder.