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Ruth entered at the gate, stole on tiptoe along the gravelled path, knocked and listened. The whole front of the little house was in darkness, but by-and-by even Reuben from his post behind the hedge heard the faint noise made by slippered feet in the oil-clothed hall. "Who's there?" said' a voice from within. "Dear aunt," Ruth answered, "let me in. Do, please, let me in. I want to speak to you."

Bertie drove quickly to the front door, and lifting Winnie from her seat, ran into the house to announce the visitors. It was a pleasant call, though a short one, the only seats being the stairs. Then Bertie persuaded his sister to stay with Nancy, who was washing windows; and he took mamma in his donkey carriage and accompanied their new friends over the nicely gravelled road to the lake.

Suddenly there hurried along the gravelled path which crossed mine obliquely a half-indistinguishable throng of pathetic men and women: two by two they filed before me, each becoming startlingly distinct for an instant as they passed some with tears, some with hollow smiles, and some with firm-set lips, bearing their fetters with them.

Its corridors and gravelled walks and the long alleys of the park and forest may not take on the fête-like aspect which they knew in the eighteenth century, but they are not solitary like those of Fontainebleau and Rambouillet, nor noisily overrun like those of Versailles or Saint Germain. The ornamental waters which surround the Chateau de Chantilly are of a grand and nearly unique beauty.

Taking their consent for granted, he marched them past the sentries and through the iron gates. A broad avenue of yews confronted them, with a gravelled carriage-drive that stretched away till lost amid interlacing boughs. A couple of gentlemen were advancing down this avenue in brisk conversation.

Passing beneath that not very impressive specimen of Michael Angelo's architecture, a minute's walk will transport the visitor from the small, uneasy, lava stones of the Roman pavement into broad, gravelled carriage-drives, whence a little farther stroll brings him to the soft turf of a beautiful seclusion.

Furloughs are hard to get, but just now the government will do anything for anybody who was on the Merrimac You're worn yourself, Judith, and your eyes are so big and dark! Is it Maury Stafford or Richard Cleave?" Amid the leaping of the dogs they reached the gravelled space before the house. Miss Lucy folded her nephew in her arms. "God bless you, Edward " She held him off and looked at him.

Just then I happened to step on the gravelled walk and he heard me, for he started and looked kind of frightened and listened a moment, and then he stepped up quick and extinguished the light, and I was afraid he'd see me then from the window, so I hurried off. But I thought 'twas mighty queer-" "Mr. Scott was dressed, was he?" interrupted the coroner. "Yes, sir," Brown answered, sullenly.

He repented it the next moment, for, after a horrified stare into his face, the child suddenly flung herself down upon the gravelled path and burst into tears, accompanied by passionate shrieking sobs and wild convulsive movements of her limbs. "He shall come out he shall come out!" Hubert heard her cry between her gasps for breath. "He can't do without me. Take me to him, or I shall die!"

I was rather afraid in my own mind that we might have helped to floor you, because there is no doubt that it is our misfortune to do that kind of thing now and then. We don't want to do it; but if men will be gravelled, why we can't help it. 'Without giving an unqualified assent to what you say, returned Arthur, gloomily, 'I am much obliged to you for your interest in me. 'No, but really!