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Charley, almost at the commencement of the foregoing narrative, had galloped away with a prodigious clatter, upon Grandfather’s stick, and was not yet returned. So large a boy should have been ashamed to ride upon a stick. But Laurence and Clara had listened attentively, and were affected by this true story of the gentle lady, who had come so far to die so soon.

And in vain did Father Athanasii go through all the village with holy water, and chase the Devil through the streets with his brush; and my late grandfather’s aunt long complained, that, as soon as it was dark, some one came knocking at her door, and scratching at the wall. Well!

All, at once, recognized Basavriuk’s countenance in the sheep’s head: my grandfather’s aunt thought it was on the point of asking for vodka.... The worthy elders seized their hats, and hastened home.

Who or what could disturb the domestic quiet of such a great and powerful personage as now sat in Grandfather’s chair. The lieutenant-governor’s favorite daughter sat by his side. She leaned on the arm of our great chair, and looked up affectionately into her father’s face, rejoicing to perceive that a quiet smile was on his lips. But suddenly a shade came across her countenance.

Somewhat such an aspect as this, did Sir William Phips present, when he sat in Grandfather’s chair, after the king had appointed him governor of Massachusetts. Truly, there was need that the old chair should be varnished, and decorated with a crimson cushion, in order to make it suitable for such a magnificent looking personage.

He never afterwards made any figure in public life." As Grandfather’s chair had no locomotive properties, and did not even run on castors, it cannot be supposed to have marched in person to the Old French War.

It took a clear, meditative eye like my grandfather’s to foresee that they would enlarge and multiply until they would be, not the Shimerdas’ cornfields, or Mr. Bushy’s, but the world’s cornfields; that their yield would be one of the great economic facts, like the wheat crop of Russia, which underlie all the activities of men, in peace or war.

"Only see how grandfather’s chair is dancing!" cried little Alice. And she ran to the wall, and tried to catch hold of the flickering shadow; for to children of five years old, a shadow seems almost as real as a substance. "I wish," said Clara, "Grandfather would sit down in the chair, and finish its history."

He was the first that had been appointed since the departure of Colonel Shute. Governor Burnet took up his residence with Mr. Cooke, while the Province House was undergoing repairs. During this period, he was always complimented with a seat in Grandfather’s chair; and so comfortable did he find it, that on removing to the Province House, he could not bear to leave it behind him. Mr.

And the time he’d run off to see the circus come into town, he and Shelly ... Cousin Jeff, Cousin Merry, they had tried to beg him off from Grandfather’s punishment that time, not that they had succeeded.