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She and Hilda were lost. "Mammy, I'm tired," Hilda complained. Her mother picked her up. "Mammy, where're we gowun, mammy?" Where, indeed? Stupefied, Mrs. Hooven looked about her at the endless blocks of buildings, the endless procession of vehicles in the streets, the endless march of pedestrians on the sidewalks. Where was Minna; where was she and her baby to sleep that night?

Dey're gowun sure do zum monkey-doodle pizeness. Me, I see Gritschun put der kertridges in his guhn. I tink dey gowun to gome MY blace first. Dey gowun to try put me off, tek my home, bei Gott." "All right, get down in here and keep quiet, Hooven. Don't fire unless " "Here they are." A half-dozen voices uttered the cry at once. There could be no mistake this time.

"Mammy, where're we gowun? Mammy, I'm tired." Then, at last, for the first time, that plaint that stabbed the mother's heart: "Mammy, I'm hungry." "Be qui-ut, den," said Mrs. Hooven. "Bretty soon we'll hev der subber." Passers-by on the sidewalk, men and women in the great six o'clock homeward march, jostled them as they went along.

So relationships are always kept in their memories by being daily used as names. There are other general names, too, such as Another list of names used ordinarily is Boothan LAST POSSIBLE CHILD OF A WOMAN Mahmee OLD WOMAN Beewun MOTHERLESS GIRL Gowun FATHERLESS GIRL Yumbui FATHERLESS BOY Moogul ONLY CHILD. Those of the same totem are reckoned as brothers and sisters, so cannot intermarry.

Far out before its centre Osterman took his place, delighted beyond expression at his conspicuousness, posing for the gallery, making his horse dance. "Wail, aindt dey gowun to gommence den bretty soohn," exclaimed Mrs. Hooven, who had taken her husband's place on the forward seat of the wagon. "I never was so warm," murmured Minna, fanning herself with her hat. All seemed in readiness.

Say, Caraher, he tole me dis morgen say, he tole me Mist'r Derrick gowun to farm der whole demn rench hisseluf der next yahr. No more tenants. Say, Caraher, he tole me all der tenants get der sach; Mist'r Derrick gowun to work der whole demn rench hisseluf, hey? ME, I get der sach alzoh, hey? You hef hear about dose ting? Say, me, I hef on der ranch been sieben yahr seven yahr. Do I alzoh "

I cen't ged you noddings to eat, noddings, noddings. Hilda, we gowun to die togedder. Put der arms roundt me, soh, tighd, leedle babby. We gowun to die, we gowun to vind Popper. We aindt gowun to be hongry eny more." "Vair we go now?" demanded Hilda. "No places. Mommer's soh tiredt. We stop heir, leedle while, end rest." Underneath a large bush that afforded a little shelter from the wind, Mrs.