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Hal set out for home, ready now for a few hours' sleep. At a blind corner he all but collided with a man and a woman, walking at high speed. The woman half turned, flinging him a quick and silvery "Good-evening." It was Milly Neal. The man with her was Max Veltman. Worthington began to find the "Clarion" amusing. It blared a new note.

"Good-evening to you, sir! I hope you are well," says Bagg. "You are looking after some one?" says the fellow. "Just so, sir," says Bagg, and forthwith seized him by the collar; the man laughed, Bagg says it was such a strange awkward laugh. "Do you know whom you have got hold of, sodger?" said he.

Good-evening, sir." "Good-evening, Pringle," said Tom; and ten minutes later he was on his way to his uncle's house in Mornington Crescent, where he found dinner waiting for him, and though it was only cold, it was made pleasant by the handmaid's smile.

His mother, who for some time had secretly been watching him without his knowing it, followed him into the lobby, and asked him timidly where he was going. He made no answer, and went out. He was hurt. He ran to the Kerichs' house. It was nine o'clock in the evening. They were both in the drawing-room and did not appear to be surprised to see him. They said "Good-evening" quietly.

Steinberg recognised him by the light of the gas-lamp. 'Good-evening, he said, nodding. 'Barter's here, I suppose. 'Sir, said Phil, with recovered coolness, a certain light of humour dawning in his mind, 'Mr. Barter is within, and I have no doubt will be very happy to see you. Steinberg cast a sidelong glance at him, and entered. Phil closed the door, and followed close upon his heels.

Lucy accepted the courtesy; and the stranger was half-way down the staircase, when the doctor, stretching out his little neck, exclaimed, "Good-evening, sir! I do hope we shall meet again." "Fear not!" said Mr. Clifford, laughing gayly; "I am too great a traveller to make that hope a matter of impossibility. Take care, madam, one step more."

He loved youth, and to the young he was always nobly kind. "Good-evening, Mr. Rand," he said. "You are homeward bound, as I am. It is good to see Albemarle faces after years of the French. I had the pleasure of making your son's acquaintance yesterday. It is a great thing to be the father of a son, for so one ceases to be a loose end and becomes a link in the great chain.

When Jerome opened the door, her look changed to one of relief, which had yet a certain terror and confusion in it. She rose at once, bowed gracefully, until the hem of her muslin skirt swept the floor, and bade Jerome good-evening. As for Jerome, he stood still, looking at her.

Clyde bade them good-evening. "How in the world, Margery," said Mrs. Archibald, "did you get acquainted so quickly with that young man and who is he?" "Oh, it all happened quite naturally," said she. "As we turned to go out of the woods he was the gentleman nearest to me, and so of course he came with me. Those two girls are sisters, and their name is Dodworth. They introduced Mr.

Inchbare, as you say. Don't let me keep you any longer from the poultry-yard. I am transgressing the doctor's orders in seeing any body. We quite understand each other now, don't we? Very glad to have seen you. Good-evening." So she dismissed Mrs. Inchbare, when Mrs. Inchbare had served her purpose.