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One day a woodpecker come erlong en 'mence' ter peck at de tree; en de nex' time Sandy wuz turnt back he had a little roun' hole in his arm, des lack a sharp stick be'n stuck in it. Atter dat Tenie sot a sparrer-hawk fer ter watch de tree; en w'en de woodpecker come erlong nex' mawnin' fer ter finish his nes', he got gobble' up mos' 'fo' he stuck his bill in de bark.

He swore that no earthly consideration could induce him to make any sort of terms with my branch of the family. Those were his very words." Toc she pocketed the red. "Fudge," pronounced Miss Sandus. "Capital words for eating. He 'll gobble, he 'll bolt 'em. Give him the chance.

And here I've thought all my life that cowgirls did nothing but ride around and warn people about stage holdups and everything! I'd just like to know how a girl would ever have a chance to know what was going on in the country, unless she heard the men talking while she poured their coffee. Only this bunch don't talk at all. They just gobble and go."

He had only to listen for the calling of the great, turkey-like Chunha, follow the gobble to its source and then gather up the winged but sluggish quarry until his hunger was satisfied, hoping, all the while that something better would turn up for the next meal. There came the day, however, when the hosts of grasshoppers disappeared. They had lived their allotted span and had passed on.

'We shall see, said the witch, 'who will win in the end. Listen, there are three cocks in the hen-house; one is yellow, one black, and the third is white. If one of them crows during the night you must tell me which one it is. Woe to you if you make a mistake. I will gobble you up in one mouthful. Now Bensiabel was in the room next to the one where Prunella slept.

Before he came into view he called my name sharply. "All right! I'm here! What is it?" I answered. "Devil's come for his pay!" he snapped as he burst through the last of the growth. "Only two miles west fresh tracks of big war-party makin' south. They're makin' for Abb's Valley. That white-Injun devil fixed it up. Goin' to gobble the settlers along with your fool friends.

I had not gone far when a dense fog arose, shutting out all objects, even at the distance of a few feet. It was a bad day for hunting, but presently as I rode along I heard a turkey gobble close by, and, dismounting, I crept among the bushes and peered into the fog as well as I could. I saw several dark objects, and drawing up my double-barrelled shot-gun fired at them.

Steptoe coincided with me in this opinion, and informing me that Lieutenant Alexander Piper would join my detachment with a mountain' howitzer, directed me to convey the command to the island and gobble up all who came over to it.

That was the one thing that really annoyed Gervaise, the hunger that kept gnawing at her insides. Oh, those pleasant little snacks she used to have. Now she had fallen low enough to gobble anything she could find. On special occasions, she would get waste scraps of meat from the butcher for four sous a pound. Blacked and dried out meat that couldn't find a purchaser.

"Brown eyes, beauty, Do your mother's duty. Blue eyes pick-a-pie, Lie a-bed and tell a lie. Grey eyes greediness, Gobble all the world up." The interpretation is, that brown eyes indicate a gentle and dutiful disposition. Blue eyes show three guilty tendencies to pick-a-pie, that is, to steal; to lie a-bed, that is, to be idle; and to tell a lie.